Musa{AS}: The story of Repentance

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This story is mentioned by Ibn Qudamah in Kitaab At-Tawabeen:

At the time of Musa(A.S) there was a draught, a great famine.

People came to Musa (AS) asked him to pray for rain. Musa (AS) took thousand and thousands of people with him to pray and asked Allah for rain. He sought the Help of Allah for the sake of infants, old pious men, and four footed animals. However, no rain came! It was hot all around.

Then Musa (AS) again started praying and Allah {SWT} tells Musa There's one person in the crowd that hasn't repented yet.

It was a very large gathering. Musa (AS) asked Allah: I have a very low voice. How is it possible that in this large gathering my voice would reach him? Allah contended him that He would reach His Prophets voice to all people.

Musa{AS} turns to the people and says; There is one person who hasn't repented, hasn't turn back to Allah and it is not raining because of that person."

Listening to this announcement, the sinner looked around and saw that none got out of the gathering! He thought, it is to me whom this is being said.

So in his heart, that person turns back to Allah and Asks Allah... Oh Allah Please forgive me, I had been disobeying you since 40 years! You gave me the opportunity for come back, but I hadnt utilised the chances. Now I (sincerely) turn to You! Do accept me!

Even his prayer had not completed, rain started pouring heavily!

Musa (AS) was quite astonished! Being astound he said to Allah: O Lord! Not a single person had gone out of this gathering. What is the reason for rainfall then?

Allah reply was: O Musa! It is out of My love for that person now I descended the rain, for whom I stopped it.

Musa (AS) asked Allah: O Allah! Tell me who that person is to me! I has like to see and meet this person.

Allah says: I did not humiliate him( I didn't disclose his identity) at the time he disobeyed me; why would I now humiliate him – when he had come under My Shelter?

Subhanallah, this shows our relationship with Allah.

Shukran. Jazakulullahu kheir.

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