Umar ibn Al Khattab

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During the time of Umar(radiya Allahu anhu) there were two men who brought in a young boy dragging him in the courthouse. Umar bin Al Khattab asked them:

"What is this? Why are you dragging him into the courtroom? What is going on?"

They said:" This boy killed our father."

Umar ibn Al Khattab asked the boy:" Did you really kill the father?"

The boy said:" Yes, I killed the father but it was by accident. My camel used to tread on their property . One day their father took a rock and hit the camel in the eye. And I saw the camel suffering and it make me furious and aggravated. So I took a rock and I threw it at the father, it hit him in the head and he died."

So Umar bin Al Khattab asked the two brothers: " Will you forgive this boy for this accident?"

They said:"No, we want revenge."

So Umar ibn Al Khattab asked the young boy:"Do you have any last words?"

The young boy says:" Yes . My father passed away and I have a younger brother. And my father left some money behind for him. I would like 3 days to go retrieve this wealth from a hidden place so that I can make sure my brother gets it when I die."

So Umar ibn Al Khattab think that he was making up the story. The young boy said:" trust me!"

Umar ibn Al Khattab said:" Okay I will trust you but find a guarantee for yourself. Someone who will guarantee us that you will come back."

The younger boy looked around at the packed court house. And everybody when the boy looked around turned their heads down. No one wants to help the boy because of the heavy responsibility. Then from the back of the courthouse a hand was raises up! and whose hand is it? ABU DHAR AL GHIFFARI ( radiya Allahu anhu)

He says:" I will be the guarantee of this boy." this means that if this boy doesn't comes back it is his head that will be chopped meaning he will be killed.

So the boy goes away. The first day goes by, the second day goes but the boy is nowhere to be seen. The third day at Asr the two brothers go to Al Ghiffari and they say:" Come with us to the courthouse, it is time." Abu Dhar says :"I will come to the courthouse but the day doesn't end until maghrib."

So after maghrib Abu Dhar is walking to the courthouse and the people of Madinah are following behind them to see what is going to happened. And literally minutes before the adhaan of salatul maghrib, the boy rushed in. People are wondering what is going to happen. Umar ibn Al Khattab asked the boy:" O boy! Why did you come back?. I didn't send a spy nor anyone to follow you? What made you come back?"

He said:" I didn't want anyone to say, a Muslim gave his word and not fulfil it. So I came back."

Umar ibn Al Khattab then turned to Abu Dhar and he said:" O Abu Dhar, what made you want to be the guarantee of this boy?"

He said:" I saw a Muslim in need and I didn't want anyone to say that a Muslim was in need and no one was there to help him. So I raised my hand to be his guarantee."

The two brother said:" When we have people like this, how can a Muslima ask for forgiveness and no one be there to forgive him." So they forgave the boy and the boy was forgiven.

SUBHANALLAH! look at how Muslims used to be there for one another. how they took responsibility. ALLAHU AKBAR. May Allah( subhanahu watalla) give us mercy and make use be there to help our fellow Muslims.

Did you know???

Allah (S.W) showed Nabii Adam (A.S) his children and Adam came across one of his children who was beautiful but had a short life. He then asked Allah(S.W) to reduce 40yrs from his age to give it to him. And the person was Nabii Daud(A.s).

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