The woman who used to clean the masjid of the Prophet PBUH

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Aisha r.a used to say, I used to visit this woman daily and sit with her and the woman would to say a certain line of poetry over and over again and the day of the scarf, it was that day He saved me from disbelief

So Aisha r.a asked her about her story.

She was Abyssinian and a slave girl of one of the Bedouin in Arab trib. So she say she used to serve the family of his master and would travel with them whenever they went. One day the daughter of her master came out wearing a red leather scarf or scowl, that day as the daughter was sleeping a bird came and it must have thought that it was a piece of meat, so it picked it up and flew away with it.

When the girl woke up and realized she couldnt find wishaah(Scarf), she started calling out to her father and elders and said someone took her scarf. So, the first person they thought was their slave and assumed she was the one to blame. But the slave told them the incident of the bird who took the scarf and when she told her master said to her, Couldnt you have come up with a better lie?.

She swore that what she said was exactly what happened. They started searching her, beating her. And at that moment while she was crying and being beaten, the bird came and dropped the scarf right between them and they all looked shocked because it was exactly what the slave told them that a bird took the red scarf and the slave screamed to them, this is what you accused me of and I was innocent the whole time.They felt so guilty and eventually they freed her.

Not knowing anyone in her surrounding or anything that can support her, she eventually heard of the calling of Islam and the message of Islam from the messenger of Allah pbuh. She made her way to the Prophet pbuh and accepted Islam and she was accepted and the Prophet accepted her and understood her situation, he built her a house inside the masjid. She was known as the woman who used to clean the masjid, due to her love for the house of Allah SW, but wasnt brought in as a slave to clean the masjid.

One day, when the Prophet comes of at the masjid, she realizes that she didnt see her the entire day, and PBUH wondered where she was, so he asked about that woman and he was told, O messenger of Allah, she died last night at an odd time of the night and we thought it was not right to bother him at such a time of the night so instead they washed her and prayed for her . The Prophet was upset when he heard that and he told the sahabas to take him to her grave. This shows how valuable he was to her.

The messenger of Allah goes to her grave and prayer over her grave and this is the only incident that we are told, that the funeral prayers was done for her twice, once by the sahabas and the other by the messenger of Allah and some sahabas.

Subhanallah!!!! Being prayed by the greatest ummah and again by the Prophet pbuh. This also shows clearly the character of our prophet pbuh. How he was concerned and took notice of a woman who other wouldnt find value about her. These day we value the celebrities and rich people and we devalue the people who are in need in our society. For example people like Imams these days, people tend to forget them the most while they are the ones who are in need most.

Alhamdulilah and Jazakumuallahu kheir.

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