Abu Dhar( radia Allahu anhu)

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Abu Dhar (radiya Allahu anhu)'s real name is Jundub Bin Janada. He comes from the tribe of Ghifar. Ghifar was a tribe known for highway robbery. Its people were famous for theft and were known as allies of the darkness and night. He was the forth or fifth person to accept Islam. He was courageous, calm and has an amazing ability to encounter falsehood.

One day news reached him that a new Prophet(peace be upon him) has appeared in Makkah. Without wasting time he called his brother, Anees, and asked him to go to Makkah and get whatever news about the new Prophet and to listen to his saying. Anees went to Makkah, he met the Prophet (peace be upon him) and listened to what he had to say then returned to his tribe. He told his brother about the Prophet and his message but that didn't satisfy Abu Dhar curiosity, so, he decided to go to Makkah himself.

He entered Makkah disguised and went secretly gathering information about Muhammad(peace be upon him) and finally, he was guided to the place where he was able to see the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In the morning, he went there and found the prophet (peace be upon him) sitting alone. He approached him and greeted him then Abu Dhar asked:" Sing to me some of what you are saying." The prophet answered :" It is not a poem but a Holy Quran." then he recited to him. Abu Dhar then shouted in his believe that there was no God to be worshiped except Allah and Muhammad his prophet. The prophet(peace be upon him) asked him:" Where are you from, my Arab brother?" He answered: "From Ghifar." Abu Dhar said: The prophet (peace be upon him )lifted his eyes out of astonishment, due to Ghifar's reputation. Then he said,' Allah( subhanahu wataala) guides whom he wills.'

Abu Dhar had a restless and agitated temper. Immediately after embracing Islam, he went to the sacred house and pronounce aloud his declaration to Islam. The words had immediate effect on the Quraysh since at that time Islam was at it beginning. The Quraysh pounced on him and began to beat him up mercilessly. But Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib (radiya Allahu anhu), the uncle of the prophet recognized him and went forward to protect him. They then realized him and he went back to the Prophet(peace be upon him). The prophet(p.b.u.h) commanded him to go back to his people and invite them to Islam . He also taught him Islam and how to read the Quran.

Abu Dhar returned to his kin and tribe. He told them about the prophet, who called people to worship Allah . His people started embracing Islam one by one. He then turned to spreading Islam to Bani Aslim.

Time passed, the prophet(peace be upon him) and Muslims migrated to Madinah and had settled down. One day , the city of Madinah was being approached by a great parade of people on horsebacks and on foot, who were shouting loudly from afar. The people of Madinah thought it was an attacking army of polytheists but as the parade got closer they realized the loud shout saying' Allah is the greatest'. They approached and entered Madinah toward the Prophet's mosque. The parade consisted of the Bani Ghafir and Bani Aslim. Abu Dhar came with all the Muslim's men, women, children, youths and the elderly!. The prophet(peace be upon him) smiled on seeing him and to see his people who used to be highwaymen and thieves becoming allies of truth and great men of good deeds.

Once the prophet(peace be upon him) asked Abu Dhar:" O Abu Dhar! What would you do if you witnessed a time when commanders monopolized the war booty?" He replied:" I swear by Allah who sent you with the truth, I would strike them with my sword!" The prophet(peace be upon him) said to him:" shall I guide you to what is better? Be patient till you meet me." The prophet had seen his future and all the hardship he had face due to his firmness and truthfulness. He therefore always order him to be patient .

Years after the prophet(peace be upon him) died and Islam started spreading far and outside the Arab regions. At the same time, desires and longing to enjoy the comfort and luxury of life started floating to the surface. War booty turned into monopoly and privilege power. Abu Dhar realizing it took his sword and set out to face his society. But he soon remembered the Prophet's advise to him echoed in his heart. He remembered that his role was not to fight but to oppose with his truthful, sincere and brave words.

Years went by and Abu Dhar decided to go far away from all the changes and wealth after telling people of its danger. He started suffering from the agony of death in Ar Rabadhah. One day, He saw his wife crying and She said:" You are dying and I don't have a gown sufficient to be a winding sheet!" He smiled and said to her:" Calm down. the Prophet once said while I was sitting among other companions,' One of you will die in a desert land and a group of faithful will witness him' all those who were sitting with me have died in the village or in congregation. No one but me is left and now am dying in a desert land. Watch out, a group of faithful will soon show up." He then passed away. Blessed was he.

There was a caravan that consist of a group of faithful with Abd Allah ibn Masoud( radiya Allahu anhu) who were passing by. They saw the shed and went there to find a dead man with a crying woman and a boy. He had hardly looked at him when he realized it was Abu Dhar. His tears rolled down abundantly in front of the body while saying:" The Messenger of Allah was truthful when he told us You will walk alone, die alone, and resurrected alone." SUBHANALLAH!

Abu Dhar died alone in the desert of Ar Rabadhah. He is also remembered alone in history because of his braveness and great asceticism. Allah will also resurrect him alone, because of the number of merits that no one else can find a pace near him.

Source: Khalid, Khalid Muhammad, Men Around The Messenger, Islamic Book service,2004.

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