The hairdresser of Firauns Daughter

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One day, Firauns hairdresser was combing the hair of Firauns daughter, and the comb fell. As the hairstylist was picking it up she said: " Bismillah" In the name of Allah.

Firauns daughter asked," You mean my father?"

She said;" No, I mean Allah. My Lord, your fathers Lord, The Lord of the Heavens and the Universe."

Firauns daughter said;" Can I tell my father you said this?"

She said;" Yes"

So when Firaun heard this, he summoned the hairdresser while he was sitting with his advisors, He addressed her as if she was nothing to him: "O Hairstylist, Who is your lord?"

She replied;" Allah is My Lord and your Lord" Firaun smiled then asked her to go home.

The next day, he sent his guards to get the lady and her children, three young boys.

She walk into the room where Firaun was standing next to a cauldron

Ibn Kathir has described this cauldron as being so big that a cow can fit inside it, there water inside it was so hot that it was spitting out and hitting the ground.

Firaun said;" O Hairstylist who is your Lord?"

She replied;" Allah is My Lord and Your Lord."

His guards dragged her child

and he was kicking screaming Ammi...Ammi...Mother... Mother!!!

And they dragged him and threw him into the boiling water. She sees her son melt infront of her eyes

And Firaun calls again: "O hairdresser who is your lord?"

She said;" Allah is my Lord nd your Lord". He grabbed his second son into the boiling water and Firaun askes again; "Who is your Lord?"

She replied, with hesitation in her heart this time;" Allah is My Lord and your Lord."

They grabbed her baby from her and her heart was saying:" O Allah what should I do?"

Then a miracle comes from Allah(SWT) the baby, the infant says;" O Mother, Don't worry, We are in heaven we are in Jannah"

She says;" Allah is my Lord, He is my Lord and your Lord"

He threw the baby and he threw the woman.

Subhanallah. Allahu akbar. Alhamdulilah. Never judge anybody because you don't know who is beloved to Allah( SW).

Shukran. Jazakumu Allahu kheir

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