"Where is justice?" Musa(A.S)

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One day Musa(A.S) was traveling around until he reached a spring. He then took ablution and prayed to Allah(S.W) after which he found a small cave to take some rest. He sat in the cave while facing the spring seeing clearly what was going on around him.

After sometime, a rider on his horse approached. On reaching the spring, the rider climbed down then let the horse graze on the grass while he himself took off his clothes to wash himself in the spring He had a leather bag that contained money which he also removed and threw it beside his clothes in the long grasses. He then entered in the spring and cleaned himself. All this was happening without knowing that someone(Prophet Musa(A.S)) was watching. After cleaning himself he got out of the spring and put his cloths back on, then he climbed on his horse and went away forgetting his leather bag of money.

Some time after the rider went away, a shepherd with his cattle approached the spring. He then let the cattle drink water from the spring while he himself was cleaning himself. Before long he started returning back the cattle and on the process his leg tripped over the leather bag of money. He looked around to see if it had an owner but saw no one. He then took it with him.

Time passed by before a very old man was seen approaching the spring from afar while leaning on a walking stick. On reaching the spring, he drank some water from it then he sat near it to take some rest. Suddenly, the rider and his horse approached and he started searching around for his leather bag of money but he didn't find it. He then saw the old man and approached him. He the asked him:" Did you come across a leather bag of money?"

The old man replied:" I didn't see anything."

But the horse rider was not satisfied with the answer. He told the old man:" I don't see anyone around except you and the leather bag of money was right there. Where did you hide it?" He then raised a stick and beat the old man just to strike him on his head. The old man lost his life on the spot. On realizing what he has done the horse rider ran away.

All this was happening infront of Musa(A.S) in a short period of time. Musa (A.s) thought to himself:" This is injustice?" He them turned to his Lord and asked:" O Allah! Where is justice? The horse rider forgot his money, the shepherd took what wasn't his and the old man lost his life without any reason. Where is Justice?"

Allah(S.W) then revealed to him:" O Musa! You made conclusions on the outside. Had you looked at their lives you would have seen that justice as been restored." Musa(A.S) asked:" How is that O Allah!"

Allah (S.W) said:" The horse rider had a loan on the shepherd for the cattle he lookes after for him but he hasn't payed him and doesn't intend to pay him back so now the shepherd has taken back his money his right. The old man killed the parent of the horse rider during his youth without anyone knowing and know he has died on the hand of the son of those parent he killed on his youth. So, in all these is there any oppression or injustice?"

Musa(A.s) answered:" Glory is to you, we have no knowledge except what you have taught us, you are All Hearer All Knower and you are The Judge and The Wise. I shall not object on anyone except you."


(S.W) means The Most Glorified, The Most High

(A.S) stands for peace and mercy be upon him


Source: translated from the Arabic book kana ya makaan by Doctor Abdul Razak Al Kilany


Moral of the story: What goes around comes around. Do good to others and you will find the pleasure of it in the world and hereafter. Thanks for reading. Jazakumu Allahu kheir!!!

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