Repentance: The man who killed 99 people

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Abu Sa'id al Khudri( May Allah be please with him) narrated that the Prophet( peace be upon him) said:

There was a man from a nation before you who killed ninety nine people, Then he regretted his action and asked for the most knowledgeable person of the land if he could repent. Thus, he was directed to a monk.

He said to the monk," I have killed ninety nine people, is there any way I can repent?" The monk deemed his sins to be great and respond," There is no repentance for you! "The man was frustrated and he killed the monk, thus completing one hundred people.

He then asked about the most knowledgeable man in the land and was directed to a scholar. He said," I have killed 100 people; is there any repentance for me?" The scholar responded," Yes! And who can come between you and repentance? The door of repentance is open, but go to such and such village, because people who worship Allah are there."

Halfway on the journey, death came to him, so the angel of mercy disputed the angel of punishment. The angel of punishment said," He has never done any good deed." Meaning after his repentance, he never did any good. And the angel of mercy said," He repented and he came regretting and repenting."

So, Allah sent an angel to judge between them. This angel said," Measure the distance between the two lands. Whichever land he is close from, then he is from its people. If he is closer to the land of disbelieve, the angel of punishment will take his soul and if he is close to the land of faith, the angel of mercy will take his soul."

So, they measured between the two lands and he was closer to the land he was facing, the land of faith, by a cubit( a small distance); so the angel of mercy took his soul.

This story shows that it doesn't matter how great your sins are, the doors to tawba( repentance) is always open. Sometimes the quilt in our sins pushes us to do more. Shaitan makes us think our sins are great, lose hope in the mercy of Allah and instead of seeking Allah's forgiveness, we continue doing the sin.

Allah says:" O My Slaves who have transgressed against themselves( by commiting evil deeds and sins)! Despair not from the mercy of Allah, verily forgives all sins. Truly, He is oft forgiving, Most Merciful." [39;53]

May Allah forgive our sins and have mercy on our souls, accept our duas and grant us Jannah.

Jazakum Allahu Kheir.

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