The most valuable piece of real estate on earth!

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Ash-SHAM (الشام)

Allah and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told us that the most valuable piece of land on earth is ash-Sham. Not Makkah. Not Madinah.

Where is ash-Sham?
Ash-Sham is present day Palestine land, parts of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

Ash- Sham is the only blessed Holy Land mentioned in the Quran and includes the city of al Quds (Jerusalem), Masjid al-Aqsa and the whole Palestine. Quran 21:71 says
"...the land that we have blessed for all the worlds". In 5:21 Quran says "...enter the Holy Land that Allah has assigned to you...". And in 17:1 "Exalted is He who took His servant by night from Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him our signs...". According to Muslim scholars, the blessing includes both religious and worldly matters.

Why is it blessed?

The land of the descent of Angels. Prophet Muhammad said "Allah's Angels are outstretching their wings over ash-Sham". He also said in another Hadeeth "the heartland of the believers is Sham".

The land of Jihad & Ribat. Ribat is the guarding of the Muslim Land. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "They and their wives, children, slaves are in Ribat for the cause of Allah". He also said " A party of my Ummah will continue to defend the truth & will be victories over their enemies till the hour comes". He was asked, "where could we find them?" He said "they are in Baitul Maqdis and around it". In another narration, the Prophet (SAW) said "...when tribulations come, faith will be in Sham".

The land of Hashr (the land where the end of the world will take place) & Manshr (the land of Resurrection). A great fire from Aden (Yemen) will gather the people in ash-Sham from where Angel Israfil will blow the trumpet to announce the beginning of Hereafter. The Prophet (SAW) said "You should go to Sham, for it is Allah's chosen land to which He will gather His chosen slaves...He will take care of Sham & its people".

The land of Martyrs. Its soil has blood of martyrs in many Muslim battles, including the battles of Hittin between Salahuddin al Ayyubi and the Crusaders; Ayn Jaloot against the Tartars; the siege of Akkah by Napoleon, and the siege of al-Quds; and in recent years, the Middle East wars between Arabs & Jews. Jihad & Martyrdom will continue forever as a landmark of the blessed land.

The land of Prophets and Messengers of Islam, including Ibrahim, Lut, Issac, Yaqub, Daud, Suleiman, Zakariya, Yahya and Issa, may Peace be upon them all.

The land of Masjid al-Aqsa, the third holiest Mosque in Islam, and the first Qibla of Muslims. A prayer in this mosque is better than 500 prayers in any other mosque, except in al-Haram in Makkah and the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah. It's one of the three places the Prophet (SAW) recommended Muslims to visit and reside. Many of great Sahabas of the Prophet (SAW) visited Sham in their lifetime.

Prophet Issa (AS) will descend to earth in Palestine when he returns as mentioned in a hadeeth of the Prophet (SAW) and will kill the Dajjaal at the gates of Ludd." (Sahih Muslim). Ludd (Lod) is a place near Bayt al-Maqdis.

The land of the Miracle of Israa and Mi'raj when the Prophet (SAW) ascended to Heaven as detailed in Quran 17:1

Blessed land of Waqf for all Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) & subsequent Muslim rulers gave out many Waqf in the land of Palestine.

Strategically located in the middle of the world, between the North & the South; between Asia, Africa & Europe

It is known as the 'Fertile Crescent', located the Nile & Euphrates rivers, known for its richness in natural resources, attracting multi-cultural communities, different religions & origins.

Prophet's dua: "Oh Allah, bless our Sham and our Yemen"

O Allah, help and protect the people of Palestine. O Allah, ease their pain and suffering. Ameen.
Remember to make a dua for Palestine !

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