The story of the King and the boy mentioned in Suratul Buruj

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The Prophet( peace be upon him) translated to the sahabas( radia Allahu anhum) a story narrated in Suratul Buruj. He said:

"There was a king who used to oppress his people and who doesn't worship Allah( praise be to him) rather he said he was God and he commanded his people to worship him. The king had a wizard minister who helped him with his magic. But this minister was getting old and weak. He told the king:" I am getting old and weak so send me a teenager to teach him my magic before I die." The king send to him an intelligent teenage boy. The boy would go to the wizard in the morning and comes back to his family in the evening.

On his way was a religious man who believed in Allah( The most glorified, the most high), and he was praying and was following the religion of Issa (alayhi salam). One day as the boy was in his way to the wizard, he saw the Muslim man praying and he was surprised. He waited until he had finish then asked him:" Why are you praying like that?" The man told him:" I am praying to Allah(The most glorified, the most high). The boy asked him:" Who is Allah? Isn't the king God?" The religious man told him:" No. The king is a man like any of us. He will die one day... And Allah is alive and never dies. He is the one who created us, he created the king and he created all that is in this world."

The boy said:" I believe in Allah( The most glorified, the most high).Teach me this religion." The man started teaching him. Everyday before going to the wizard he would pass by the religious man who would teach him about the religion and in the evening before going to his family he would also pass by him. This made him late going to the wizard. The wizard would beat him because of his lateness.

One day as the boy was making his way to the wizard, he saw a big snake on the street and people were scared of it. The boy took a big stone and said:" O Allah!If the wizard is better to the religious man then kill this snake." He then threw the stone to the animal but it didn't affect the snake. He then took another big stone and said:" O Allah! If the religious man is better to you than the wizard then kill this animal." He then threw the stone on it and it died at the spot. He then knew that the religious man is right. After the people saw what happened, they started going to the boy to pray for them. He started pray for the sick people who came to him and they healed, the blind would came to him, he prayed for them and they were healed.

He then went and told the religious man what happened. The religious man said:" You are now better than me. But be careful the king would soon know about this. Don't tell him I taught you because he will kill me for it."

One day, one of the kings minister went blind. He heard about the boy who heal people and went to him with a lot of gifts. He told the boy:" If you make me see again, I will give you all these gifts." The boy replied:" I don't need these gifts. I don't cure anyone but it is Allah who cures people." The minister was surprised and he asked him:" Who is Allah?"

The boy replied:" Allah is my God, your God and the Lord of the whole world."

The minister asked:" Is there a God beside the king?"

The boy said:" The king is not God but he is a human like any of us. He doesn't cure nor does he prevent future events. If you want to be cured you have to Believe in Allah( The Most Glorified, the Most High)."

Then the minister said:" I believe in the God of the world."

The boy then prayed for him and Allah(The Most Glorified, The Most High)gave him back his sight. He then went back to the king and the king was surprised to see his eyesight normal. He immediately asked him:" Who returned back your sight?" The minister replied:" Allah.(The Most Glorified, The Most High)."

The king said:" Are you believing in a God apart from me?"

The minister said:" Yes. I believe in Allah(subhanahu watalla)"

The king asked:" And who taught you that?"

The minister didn't respond and the king punished him until he told him about the boy. The king then asked his Solders to go find the boy. When the boy was brought to him, the king was surprised to find it was the boy he took to learn the magic from his wizard. He then asked him:" Who taught you about Allah?" The boy didn't respond and the king again punished him until he told him about the religious man." The religious man was brought infront of the king and was asked about it but he answered the same thing.

The king became really angry and told the religious man:" If you don't believe that I am the god, I will cut you into two." The religious man said:" I believe in non other than Allah( The Most Glorified, The Most High)." The king then commanded his soldier to cut him and he died instantly. Then he turned to his minister and asked him the same thing but he too was determined in his belief in Allah( The Most Glorified The Most High) and he was also cut in a half.

Then the king turned to the boy. He asked him to believe in him but also he got the same response " I believe in non other than Allah". The King was so furious, he asked his soldiers to take the boy and throw him down from the mountain. They took him on top of a mountain and the boy prayed to Allah(S.W)" O Allah! Save me from them by any means you wish" The mountain then shaked and killed all the soldiers that were with him and he was the only on who survived. The boy then went back to the king. The king was surprised to see him and he asked him:" Where are the soldiers?" The boy replied:" Allah(S.W)has taken them away." The king the called other soldiers and told them to take the boy to the sea and kill him if he still believed in non other than him. At the sea the boy prayed again:" O Allah! Save me from the, by any means you wish" The vessel sank and he was the only on who survived.

He then went back to the king who was again surprised to see him back. The boy told the king :"If you want to kill me then do what I tell you. Gather people in one place then tie me to a tree trunk and take an arrow then say' In The Name of Allah, the Lord Of the boy' then you will kill me." The king did as the boy told him and placed an arrow in the bow and shot him while saying' In The Name Of Allah, The Lord of The Boy' and the boy died. The people then proclaimed" We believe in the lord of the boy!" The king was angered and he asked his soldiers to dig ditches beside the road and fire was kindled onto them. The King then commanded:" Whoever abandons his religion let him go and whoever doesn't throw his into the fire.". There were struggling and scuffing of people being thrown in the fire and a woman and her baby whom she was still breastfeeding came and she looked hesitant of falling in the fire, so the baby told her:" Be patient mother! you are following the truth."

Did you know?

-Between Prophet Isa (allayhi salam) and Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) were 500years apart.

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