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Abu Wafaa Ali bin Aqil was a tenant of imam Hanbal. He was born in 431AH and he died in 513AH. One day he narrated to his friends and companions in Bagdad this story.

I was a poor teenager, who lived by the work of my one hands. I used to rely on the scholars in Bagdad to get knowledge on Islamic law and fiqh( Islamic Jurisprudence) . One day I heard of a caravan going to Makkah and Madinah for hajj and to visit the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) and I wished I could go too, but I was poor. so I got really sad and I sat by myself that day feeling sad . One of my scholars passed by and found me in such a state and asked me why I was sad. I told him about the caravan and how eager I wanted to visit Makkah and Madinah . The scholar thought for sometime then told him that he knew the owner of the caravan and he could ask him to take me with him but only if I agree to work for him.

That was how he went to Makkah. The journey was long which took them more than a month ridding on the back of a camel or walking. They reached Makkah on Dhul Hijjah. After reaching Makkah they kept there things in a rented house and went straight to al Kaaba and did tawaf Qudum (introductory tawaf) 7 times... and when he saw the Kaaba he made supplications because duas are accepted when you first see it. Then he did swafaa and marwa ( running between the two hills of swafaa and marwa for 7 times). Then they went back to take a rest and sleep.

On 8th Dhul Hijjah they went to Minna then On 9th they went to Arafa where they spent the whole day praying and making supplications to Allah(S.W) till sunset when they went to Muzdalifa where they slept till fajr. in the morning of 10th they went to Minna to throw stones, then they went to do tawaf ifadha then they shaved their hair.

After finishing Minna the owner of the caravan decided to go to Madinah , Ibn Aqil asked him if he could remain behind because he wanted to be around Makkah for a couple of months so he could also benefit from the scholars in Makkah,fortunately the owner of the caravan agreed to it.

In Makkah he used to carry peoples luggage's and fetch water for a living. life was hard .Everyday he would wake up early to go to the kaabah to pray before fajr. One day as he was walking to the kaabah, he tripped his legs over a small fortune, so he took it and went back home. He opened it and found a green rich leather bag and when he opened it he found a beautiful, attractive, expensive set of pearl neckless. He then returned the pearl neckless in the bag and went back to the Kaaba before he misses fajr prayers.

After Fajr prayers , a man stood up and said:" I have lost a leather bag with a set of pearl in it. However brings it back to me I will reward him 500 dinar... But no ne responded, even Ibn Aqil. The whole morning sheitan was telling him to keep the pearl, it was a risk from Allah so as to benefit himself in Makkah and to rest from the heavy work of caring water and peoples languages and to get a better chance to learn from scholars in Makkah. But he was questioning himself how will he benefit if he get knowledge in a haram way and how will Allah punish him if he kept it?.

The next day after fajr the same man stood up and asked again if anyone came across it. Ibn Aqil stood up and told him that he has it and to follow him. On their way to his house he asked him to give a description of the leather bag and what was inside and the description matched exactly with what he has. So when he gave it back to him the man gave him the bag of dinar but Ibn Aqil refused it because in madhab Hanbali it is not acceptable to take gifts for keeping someone's Amana . The man asked him to take even a bit but imam Hanbali refused.

After several months he decided to go to Madinah to visit the prophet Muhammad {peace be upon him). on his journey back to Makkah he saw a group of merchant who wanted to travel through the sea, he went with them to Jidha where they took the boat to Iraq . The first day on sea was smooth but on the second day there was a strong wind and tides, the ship was going in array they prayed to Allah to help them in such a bad situation but suddenly a big wave like a mountain inverted their boat . Ibn Aqil got a piece of wood to float on to and for two day he was on the sea alone until he reached an island. The people took him and feed him and cloth him until he regained his weight and health. In that town there was only one mosque , so he used to live there. One day the people heard him reciting the Quran and they asked him to be their imam since their last imam died a few days ago from a sickness after he came back from hajj. Ibn Aqil agreed and when they knew he could write they asked him to teach their children how to write, read and recite Quran and this was how he earned his living.

One day the head of the town came to see him and told him now that he is settled why don't he marry a girl from their village. Ibn Aqil asked him "who should I marry?". The head of the town said: "Our last imam had a daughter and she doesn't have anyone in the village. Why don't we marry he to you?". So imam Hanbala agreed to it.

The Nikah took place and after that he went to see his wife. She was beautiful but what caught his attention was the jewel she was wearing on her neck . It resembled the one he found in Makkah .So he asked her where she got the jewel . The girl said: "After my father went to hajj this year he bought it for me in Makkah." he asked her again: "can you describe for me your father?". The description she told him was the same description of the man he returned the jewel to.

So he told the girl the whole story of him going to Makkah and finding the jewel... The girl was surprised and she started crying then she told him: "Since my father came back from Makkah, he always remembered you and always prayed that I get married to the man who returned the jewel and Allah(S.W) has answered his prayers. Now we have blessing from Allah (S.W) for my father."

He lived with her for several years with peace and blessing until she got pregnant, when her days were due her birth got difficult and there were no hospitals in that town. After a lot of pain and struggle she gave birth to a baby boy but the mother didn't make. Imam Hanbala was in lot of grief for losing her. After a few more days the baby also died . This made him feel more grief and he hated the town and everything in it . He decided to go back to Baghdad . He asked for forgiveness from people in the town and told them of his departure . He collected his belongings and the jewel with him since it was the only possessions he had left from her late wife.

After a month , he reached Basra safely Alhamdulilah ( thanks to Allah(S.W)) where he bought an animal to take him to Baghdad, after selling the jewel. He didn't accept the 500 dinar for Allah's sake now he has 10000dinaar . The money helped him through his search for knowledge until he became a famous scholar famously called Imam Ibn Aqil .Alhamdullilah(praise to Allah(S.W)).

This story teaches us about being trustworthy. We have to take responsibility of other peoples things and return them without any defects so as to get Allah(S.W)'s mercy on us.

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