We traded our Dunya for our Akhira

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There was a young boy during the time of the Prophet (P..B.U.H) who wanted to build a fence around his house. So, he come to the Prophet and says," O Messenger of Allah, I wasn't to build a fence around my house. But my neighbors tree is blocking it. I asked him to give it to me but he refuses. Cn yo please intercede." The Prophet goes to this man and tells him," I would buy this tree from you."

The man says," I would not sell it."

The Prophet says," Give this tree as sadaqa and I promise you a tree and a garden in paradise."

The man says," No it is my right am keeping it."

Some of the companions had gathered around and asked the Prophet," O Messenger of Allah, this offer that you made of a tree in paradise was it only for this man or was it for everyone." He said:" It is for everyone."

So Abu Dardar (R.A) goes to the man and says " you know who I am? Am Abu Darda. I own one of the biggest gardens in all Madinah, over 300 palm trees. I would give you all these trees if you give me just this one tree."

The man says," Have you lost your mind. Why would you trade the whole garden for this one tree."

He says," That is non of your business." the man agree to it.

Abu Darda gives the tree to the boy to build his fence. He makes his way home excited and shouting to his wife," Ya Umma Darda . we had such a profitable trade. We traded our dunya for our akhira" His wife also gets excited and shouts back," What a profitable trade."

They pack their staff out and get ready to leave. As their leaving his children had dates in their hands. Abu Darda asks them," Did you pick these dates before I came into the house or did you pick them after I came into the house?" His children said," O father .We picked them after you entered." Abu Darda took the dates from their hands and threw them back into the house and told his children," In Shaa Allah, Allah will replace it with something better in the hereafter."

Subhana Allah! May Allah be Pleased with them. These were examples of people we need to hear and be.

Shukran. Jazakum Allahu kheir.

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