Aisha (r.a) story to the prophet: The story of Umm Zara'a

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The prophet (P.B.U.H) loved listening to Aisha(R.A) talking and always smiled at her when she spoke. One day Aisha(R.A) narrated the story of the eleven ladies who were friends and how each of them described their husbands. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) would listen attentively as she spoke.

The eleven women agreed to be frank and not conceal everything about their husbands. The first one said that her husband was like a piece of camel meat placed on top of a mountain. There was no means one can reach it and in any case it was not anyone's to take.

The second one said there was so much to say about his husband that if she started she didn't know what to leave out, it was really better not to start.

The third friend said that her husband had such a foul temper that if she spoke against him he would immediately divorce her and if he didn't that would be another problem. It was as if she was married and nit married.

Now it was the turn of the fourth friend. She said her husband was like the night of hijaz, neither too cold nor too warm.He had a very balanced temperament.

The fifth lady said her husband was like a cheetah in the house and a lion outside; if he gave his words he never broke it and doesn't need to be reminded about it.

The sixth lady said her husband never followed the middle path in anything; when he starts eating he eats up everything that was set infront of him; the same with any drink that was there. Even when he slept, he would pull the whole sheet to cover himself. He would not even ask how his wife was managing.

The seventh one said his husband was a useless man who has a vile temper. In his rage he could break a persons head or crush his bones.

The eighth lady said her husband was as soft and delicate as a rabbit to the touch and he smells like the sweet smelling jasmine.

The ninth wife was very happy describing her husband. She said he was tall, lived in a huge mansion and has very open hearted and a generous man.

The tenth friend said her husband was better than all those described. He was a very wealthy man who owned many camels. He was so hospitable that he entertained frequently and took pleasure in slaughtering his camels for his guests.

The eleventh lady was so proud of his husband, Abu Zara'a, because he was rich and had loaded her with gifts of jewelry. His smiling and pleasant face kept her happy. He first saw her when she was just a shepherd's daughter, but he brought her to his home which was rich in grains and had plenty of livestock, camel and horses. There wee plenty on all sides and a pleasant atmosphere, even when she slept late in the morning he would never disturb her. His mother was a very great lady and also very well to do. She had lot of clothes and a very large house. His son took up every little space and ate only the best of the delicacies, which was goats meat. His favorite daughter was well mannered and obedient to her parents, Abu Zara 'a's maidservant was a loyal woman who did not carry tales about the happenings in the house; she was very faithful and honest and kept the house clean and tidy.

But the eleventh lady added:" One day Abu Zara'a went out at the time milk was being milked from the animals and he saw a woman who had two sons like wo leopards playing with her breasts. On seeing her he divorced me and married her. I later on married another man who was a chief, an expert rider and a fine archer. He bestowed upon me many gifts and gave me one pair of every kind of animals. But even if I combine all the gifts that he has bestowed upon me, they stand no comparison to the least gift of Abu Zara 'a.

Aisha(R.A) said the Prophet(P.B.U.H) then said:" I am for you as Abu Zara'a is for Umm Zara'a."


Did you know?

Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h has bèn given 5 things that distinguishes him from the other prophets. First the earth has been made a masjid  and a means for purification .He has been granted victory by means if awe. The spoils of war have been made permissible for him. He was sent for all mankind unlike other Prophets. And lastly he has been granted intercetion. 

Subhana Allah.How lucky we are to be muslims. Alhamdulilah.  May All grant us janaah.Amin.


P.B.U.H- Peace Be Upon Him

R.A- May Allah be pleased with her/him


Reference: great women in Islam.

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