Don't mock or look down upon others

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Abu Hanifa ( May Allah have mercy on him) had an alcoholic neighbor, who he tried to advise on many occasions until he got tired and left him.

One day, the wife of the alcoholic man knocked the door of Abu Hanifa telling him that her husband had passed away, and that she wants him to pray for his janazah, but Abu Hanifa refused.

Later that day, Abu Hanifa saw that man in his dream walking between the garden of paradise saying: " Tell Abu Hanifa, Alhamdulilah that Jannah was not in his hands."

When Abu Hanifa woke up, he rushed to the wife of the deceased neighbor and asked her," How was he before his death?"

She said;" He was the same as you know him except that every Friday, he used to feed the orphan of the state and wipe over their heads and cry and say pray for your uncle, it could be the dua of one of the orphans." Abu Hanifa had a deep regret after hearing this.

This teaches us, to not look down upon Allah nor mock people, we all live under the cover of Allah. Don't be proud of your plenty of salah or fast because you don't know who is closer to Allah. You might be righteous today and tomorrow you might end up with a bad ending.

Remember,the heart of human are between the fingers of Allah(S.W), they turn like the turning of boiling water.

Ibn Qayyim said," Whoever shame his brother for a sin he will be tested with the same sin." Therefore if you hear or see a sin of another person say," May Allah forgive us and them".

Shukran. Jazakillahu kheir.

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