Caliph Uthman bin Affan (ra)

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There was a well in a part of Madinah belonging to a Jew. It was the only source of water in that part, and the Jew charged Muslims excessive amounts for the water.
Uthman (ra) offered to buy the well, but the Jew refused. Uthman (ra) then proposed to buy half of the well, with an agreement that each would fetch on alternate days. The Jew knew Uthman (ra) as a clever businessman and was flattered to have him as a business partner, thinking that this would increase his sales, The exact opposite happened... no one bought water from the Jew again.

Uthman (ra) opened the well for Allah's sake, allowing people to fetch as they wanted.
The people would fetch two days' supply on his day and ignore the Jew's day. Despondently, the Jew offered Uthman (ra) the other half, which Uthman (ra) bought for 20,000 dirhams
Subhanallah, It shows how kind Uthman (ra) was, the Jew realised how worthless his part was and decided to give it out.

Did you Know
(ra) stands for radiaallahu anhu which means may Allah have mercy on him.

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