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Qarun was from Musa's people. His name is Qarun bin Yashar bin kahit. He is the cousin of Musa because Qarun is Imran's brother who are the parents of Musa (allayhi salaam). Qarun was a man with a beautiful voice, a handsome face and was intelligent in terms of chemistry and business.

When Musa and people of israel went to Sinia from Misr, Qarun took all his wealth with him. He then started trading and farming after they settled in their new land. His wealth increased in the process until the key to his safe (where all his wealth were kept) was carried by a couple of men!. At that time, Allah( S.W) reveled Tourat to Prophet Musa(A. S). Qarun was bright so he was able to memorize the taurat and read it with his beautiful voice to the people of Banu Israel. This made people gather around him everyday to listen to his beautiful recitation. He started thinking to him self:" I have everything; Wealth, farms, cattle and I have memorize the whole Tourat which I recite to the people with my beautiful voice. So why don't I become a prophet like Musa and Harun?"

So, one day he asked Musa(A.S):" Why did Allah(S.W) choose you and Harun in all the prophetic responsibilities and did not leave anything of it to me?" Musa(A.S) answered:" This is not on my hands, but it is Allah's command.", Qarun started going against Musa's teaching. He started dening the truth and he didn't help feeding the poor. The door to his house was made of gold and around it some writings in gold. He would sometimes go out with his mule and all of his worldly, wealthy possessions to the people of Israel. The poor among them would say:" O, I wish I had what Qarun has of his wealth, he is a lucky person." Those who were religious would tell them:" The worship of Allah(S.W) and his rewards are more important than all that. All this wealth is a waste if it is used to oppress as for the reward of Allah(S.W) remain forever."

Allah(S.W) then commanded Musa(A.S) to take zakat from the rich people in Bani Isreal and distribute it to the poor. Musa asked Qarun to give zakat from his wealth. He Qarun told him:" I have a lot of wealth. So, the zakat for it would be a lot. How can I give out all of that?!" Musa(A.S) answered:" It is okay if you pay for every a thousand dinar one dinar and for every a thousand dirham one dirham. Is that a lot?". Qarun then went and counted his wealth, just to find that he had to give out a big amount for all his wealth. He refused to give out the zakat and started telling the people of israel that Musa wants to take the Zakat for himself. Then he went to a woman of his people and told her:" I would give you a thousand dinar and a thousand dirham and a handful of gold, if you will say that Musa is with you."

One day, Musa(A.S) called the people of israel and told them" Allah(S.W) has commanded me to take zakat from the rich and distribute it to the poor and he told me if someone steals I cut his hand and whoever has committed unlawful sex; if he is not married, then he should be beaten a hundred slashes and if the person is married, he should be beaten until his death." Qarn then asked:" If you did it will the punishment apply to you too?" Musa replied:" Yes." Then Qarun asked the woman:" Didn't Musa molest you?" She answered:" Yes." Musa(A.S) then said:" I ask Allah(S.W) who opened the sea for the people of israel and who revealed taurat. Did I molest you?" The woman got scared and said:" No. But qarun asked me to say that and he said he will give me a thousand dinar, a thousand dirham and a handful of gold."

Musa(A.S) was really angered by what Qarun had done, he prayed to Allah(S.W) to punish him and his home in their land. Allah(S.W) answered Musa's prayer and he turned the earth on Qarun and his land. That was the punishment for his arrogance and forgetting Allah(S.W)'s teachings.


(S.W) means The Most Glorified, The most High.

(A.S) means Peace be upon him.

Zakat- is one of the pillars of Islam, it is a form of charity given out from the rich to the poor every year to the poor to ease their suffering.


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