Charity can heal diseases.

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A rich Muslim father suffered with kidney failure for years, he decided to travel with his family to Egypt for a transplant, after his children had agreed a deal with a young girl who wished to sell her kidney for 100,000 Saudi Riyals.
And in the morning of the operation, the patient said, "I want to meet the donor,"
So the young girl comes into the room in a very shy state and he asks her, "why are you selling your kidney to an old man like me?" And she replies, " My family are poor, I need to do something to help them."
This answer was like a slap on the sick man as he suddenly realized that other people are ready to sacrifice their body part to feed their family due to extreme poverty.
He then made a decision that suprised both the donor and  his family. He decided to cancel the kidney transplant operation and agreed to instead donate the 100,000 Saudi Riyal to to girl and her family.
The family returned back to Saudi Arabia, and days later he went to his local hospital to do his dialysis treatment and something shocking happened during the check up that suprised the doctors.
After a few tests, they doctors informed him that his kidneys have miraculously returned to their normal state of functioning and he doesn't require any more treatment.

Subhanallah, the power of Al-Shifii' ( The Healer) who is Allah. Just by doing an act of charity, which was great in the eyes of Allah, he was able to get cured.

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