"By Allah, I will return to you"

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Al-Hajaaj Bin Yusuf, who is remembered by his tyranny, not against everyone but at least against those who spoke out or rebelled against him.

One day a group of rebels were captured and brought before Al-Hajaj. After reviewing their cases, he ordered each one of them to be excecuted, except one. As for the one who remained, Al-Hajaaj was reviewing his case when the call of adhan was made, leaving no time for the man's case to be judged, that day. An so Al-Hajaj turned to Qatibah bin Muslim and said to him, "Keep this man in your custody and bring him to me tomorrow morning." Qatibah left the ruler's court, taking the prisoner along with him. As they were walking in the street of the city, the man turned to Qatibah and said," Do you wish to do a good deed?"

"And what is that?" asked Qatibah.

"I have valuable things that people have deposited with me as trust, and as you know your ruler will soon have me killed. Release me now and allow me to return to my home, so that I may return the items to their rightful owners. And Allah is my garantor that I will return to you tomorrow" He was amazed by what he said but he kept repeating the same words; "By Allah, I will return to you." until he finally agreed to his request.

When he left, it occurred to Qatibah what he has done "O Qatibah what did you do to yourself?" He went to home and spent the nigh restless. In the morning, there was a knock at their door and when he opened it, there stood the same man. Qatibah said,"You returned?"

He said," I made Allah as a Guarantor and why should I not return?"

Qatibah went with him to the court of Al-Hajaj and informed him of what happened. Al-Hajaj let him free. Qatibah left with he man and when they had left the building, Qatibah said to him, "Go wherever you please."

The man raised his head to the sky and said, "O Allah, all praise is for You." The man said nothing more and left.

(Gems and Jew 203)

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