Usamah bin Zayd and the Pagan

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The prophet (P.B.U.H) sent Usamah bin Zayd on a military expedition to al Huraqah, a tribe of juhaynah. When they reached the people they overcome the tribe and a man from the pagans fled. But Usama and a man from the Ansar caught him and Usama wanted to kill him. When he caught him, the man said," I bear witness that their is no worthy of worship except Allah."

The man from the Ansar refrain from killing him and let him go. As for Usamah, he raised his spear until he killed him. When they reached Madina the news had reached the Prophet (P.B.U.H).He asked Usama," Did you kill after he said the shahada?" He replied," Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He only said it as a protection from being killed."

The Prophet said," Why didn't you open his heart so you could know if he said it sincerely or not?" He continued to repeat this until Usamah wished he had not entered Islam before that day.

This story is a proof that we deal with people in this world according to what is apparent from them. As for what is in the heart, no one knows and will be apparent to us till the day of judgement, when the heart will be uncovered and known. So dear brothers and sisters , it is upon us to interact with others based on what is apparent to us and leave the rest affairs to Allah.

May Allah protect us, guide us with good manners and actions.

Did you know?

The first word Adam ( A.S) said immediately after  Allah (S.W)  created him is  Alhamdulilah  ( praise  be to Allah)

Shukran . jazakumu Allahu kheir.

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