Chapter 19

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Dani's POV

Its been 3 weeks at the beach house so far and its been going really good. Kian and I have become great friends. He flirts with me a lot, but its not serious. Cameron is still into me. I mean, I don't have a problem with that, I just don't wanna be in  a relationship. Jack and I are.....speaking. We're not on bad terms, but we're not on very good terms either. I guess that equals to us being on just speaking terms. Even though I hate the fact that Jack brought his new girlfriend over, she's kinda cool. The whole house has been doing great.


"Fuck you! I can have any girl I want!" Jack yells at Britt before slamming their bedroom door.

This was Jack and Britt having one of their famous, every second arguments. Its really aggravating. I mean, everything was going so well for them, for everybody, now, I don't know what the hell has happened.

"Jack, you are such an asshole! Why do you treat me like this?!" She yells back at him.

"You do nothing but accuse me of shit that isn't true! I'm tired of that shit!" Jack yells back at her. This kind of reminds me of the arguments that my mom and dad used to have. I would crawl up under my bed, bring my knees to my chest, and shut my eyes tight. I would whisper positive things about being happy, and smiling, and having fun. Even though I always found my happy place, my peace, it still wouldn't change the fact that they were arguing.

"Maybe you should find yourself a girl that will put up with your cheating, lying ass!" Britt scream to him at the top of her lungs.

"Why can't they just shut the fuck up?" JJ groans angrily. JJ gets up and goes into the kitchen. Even though they are on the other side of the house, it sounds like they are right in front of me.

A few more minutes of yelling goes by, before I begin hearing choked sobs. I remember when I was her. Crying all the time. Just crying. About someone like Jack. But I had to learn the hard way, and now Britt has to too. Since Nicole left when they first started arguing, I guess I have to be the one to go comfort her. I sigh a long, frustrated, aggrivated sigh, and get up from my comfortable spot in the couch.

"Why me?" I grumble to myself. As I walk up the stairs, a very sad looking Jacl walks past me. His face looks as if he's been crying all...year? His eyes are bloodshot, and his body language is just....ugly. Even though I haven't forgave or forgotten all the messed up shit Jack did and said to me, I atleast wanna be his friend, and be here for him if he needs me. "Jack, are you okay?" I ask before latching onto his arm. I let my hand run up and down the side of his right arm. A sign of comfort and warmth.

Jack puts on a fake smile and quickly nods his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.". This time he smiles a real smile. That billion dollar smile that made me fall in love with him. His smile makes me remember all the good things about our relationship. Why I was happy, for that little bit of time. "Okay." I whisper. Jack turns to leave, but I stop him again. "Maybe we can't talk later?" I suggest.

Jack wipes a tear that begins to fall. Maybe he loved this girl more than I thought. "Okay." He turns quickly and walks the rest if the way down the stairs. A few minutes later, the front door slams shut. I turn around and make my way back up to Britt.

I knock sofly on the door, so I won't come off as....demanding, I guess. I can hear her sobs through the door.

I clear my throat. "Britt, can you open the door please?" I ask softly so I won't attract the boys up here.

I hear her cries stop. "Is Jack gone?" She asks in a rasoy voice from crying and yelling.

"No, he left. Can you let me in so we can, talk?" I ask her nicely. The first step to becoming great friends, is to bond over boys who've broken your heart.

I hear some shuffling, then Britt finally opens the door. She looks kinda like Jack. Bloodshot eyes, tear stained cheeks, puffy face, and a runny nose. As soon as she opens the door wide enough for me to enter, I pull her into the biggest hug. She breaks down crying on my shoulder. I pull her into the room and close the door. I know exactly what she's feeling. I felt the same way, maybe even worse. I just hope she hasn't resulted to self harming herself like I did.

"Shhhh." I coo in her ear as if she's a crying baby. Her sobs just get louder. "It's okay, it's okay." I repeat quickly. "I went through the same thing." I tell her. I walk us over to the bed and sit us down.

"I love him." She cries harder. I know she does, but if he loved her he wouldn't do this to her. "I'm tired of him always trying make himself the victim in the situation." She says lifting her head from my shoulder, then wiping her tears.

This was gonna be a long talk.

Jack's POV

I'm really sick and tired of arguing with Britt. She gets on my fucking nerves. Its always "you're cheating" and "you treat me like shit", I don't wanna hear that shit 24/7. She knows I'm not good with relationships, so I don't know why she acts all crazy when I fuck up. "Fuck up" as in cheat. Nobody said shit when she decided to go and fuck Cameron. Yeo, she cheated in me, so iut of spite, i cheated on her. I just really need to find the right girl, a girl that can handle me. A girl that will put me in my place, a girl that will stay on my ass, but not be a level 5 clinger. Well, I had that girl. Dani. She was perfect, but somehow, she slipped through my fingers like the soft white grains of sand at the beach.

"Where the hell are you doing Jack?" I mumble to myself as I speed in the direction of the beach. The beach is the only place I rather be. The sound of the waves crashing on the sand, the sand beneath my feet, and the cool feeling of the wind blowing; it puts me at peace. I had my peace. Dani, was my peace.

"Dani! I need you!" I yell into the open air as tears stream down my face. "I need you." I mumble through choked up sobs. I know people may be looking at me like I'm an idiot, and I am, but I don't care.

"I need you too."

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