Chapter 11

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Dani's POV

I've been in my room crying for days. No, I haven't told my mom about what Jack did. She doesn't even know that Jack and I were together, or whatever we were doing.  I haven't been to school, I've just told my mom that I'm sick. Even though she knows it's a lie, she just doesn't say anything. I still can't understand why Jack did what he did. I guess that all the hatred he built up towards me was released when he hit me. I've tried my best to conceal the bruise on my face, and the large purple hand print on my arm away my mom. Every day I try my hardest not to think about him, but nothing works. There's only one things that's been on my mind. My razor.

I've always wanted to know what its like to, self harm. I've never really done it before, but I heard it helps, a lot. Maybe I can just try it this once?

I get out of my bed, which is consumed in bags of chips, cookies, and empty buckets of icecream, and make my way towards the bathroom. I reach in my mirror and grab my fresh pack of razors.  I take out one, and crack it open. The razor falls to the floor. I throw the remaining pieces of the razor away, then pick up the actual razor off the floor. The razor looks cold and very sharp, but I hear the sharp gets rid of the emotional pain.

I take a black towel, and sit on the bathroom floor. I kick the door closed and lock it. I decide to do the cuts on my inner thighs, where no one can see. I pull off my shorts. This is it, I'm really gonna do this.

"Jack, I love you." I say to myself. "This one if for going back to Amber." I deeply and slowly slit my right thigh. I bite down hard on my bottom lip. Surprisingly, this does feel good. It doesn't really even hurt. Its slowly making me get over him. "This one is for calling me a slut and w-whore." I sniffle. I slice again, right under the first one. Now the pain is kinda getting to me. I wince as I touch it. My red blood is spilling onto the towel. Good thing its unnoticeable. I even begin to laugh at how stupid and wrong Jack was to me. "This one is for my bruises." I cut two times on my left thigh for the hand bruise, and the bruise on my face. "This one is for the scars." I slit again, reffering to the cuts. "And this one is for, making me fall in love with you." I slit twice on each thigh for each letter of love.

With every cut, I got forgot about Jack. I liked this treatment better.

Jack's POV

Something has been really off lately. My friends aren't talking to me, Dani hasn't answered any of my calls or texts, and Dani hasn't come to school. I've even went by her house, and there was no answer. What the hell is going on? Are they keeping something from me? Did or is  Dani cheating on me? Did I do something wrong?

After school, I push on the gas to Sammy's house. He's been the main one ignoring me.

"Sammy, cut the crap, tell me what the hell is going on!" I shout upon entering his house. Nash, Cameron, and JJ are sitijng on Sammy's couch. When Sammy sees me, he stomps angrily up to his room.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on? What wrong with Sammy? Why is Dani ignoring me?" I ask them. I see them wince when I mention Dani's name. "What's wrong with Dani?" I ask calmly as I sit in the table in front of them. Cameron looks up at me, then shakes his head. I see a tear escape from Nash's eye. What the hell happened? "Somebody better tell what the hell is going on with Dani, and I mean right now!" I yell.

"Why did you do it man?" Nash sniffles. Me? What?

"What the hell did I do?" I ask the boys.

"We were at the victory party on Friday." Cameron started.

"You got extremely drunk. When Dani tried to take the beer, you pushed her and she fell." Nash said as more tears poured out of his eyes. Oh my god. What the hell is wrong with me? So this is why Sammy is mad and Dani won't talk to me. I am such a fuck up!!!! I have to go talk to her. I get up and rush to the door.

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