Chapter 6

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Dani's POV

God I'm stupid. How could I be so stupid? How could I be so gullible? Of course even though Jack's a player, he has a girlfriend. His girlfriends name is Amber. She's a bitch to everybody. She knows Jack and I relationship. She calls herself trying to defend him against me, but I just ignore her.

Of course. Typical school day. I'm walking to 7th period, when I see Jack making out with Amber in a corner. I should have known not to beleive all that bullshit Jack was telling me. When I get in 7th period, I sit beside Nicole. I haven't talked to her about the whole situation, but now's a good time I guess.

"Hey Nick's, come to the bathroom with me." She bods her head, and her and I leave the class. "You didn't have sex with Gilinsky." I tell her. She looks up at me as a look of relief takes over her face. She tackles me in a hug.

"Thank god." She breathes.

"But you did, kinda, suck his dick." I chuckle.

"Ew! That's disgusting. I have to go home, and use the whole mouthwash bottle, and then some." She says wiping her mouth. Too late now. "Now come on, I have to fix my mascara." She says pulling me towards the bathroom. I'm so glad I got his whole situation cleared up. As Nicole and I approach the bathroom, we hear faint moans. They get louder as we approach.

"Ahhhh, yes Jack." She moans. My heart drops. I instantly recognize the voice as Amber's. God, she's such a slut.

"Let's just go." Nicole grabs me, and we flee back to the class.

20 minutes later, the devil himself shows up. His clothes looked throwed on, his hair is messy, he's sweating. I also recognize that he's breathing faster than usual. Before his eyes can catch mine, I look away.

I can't believe Jack would do this. He pours his heart out to me then goes back around and fucks Amber. I knew Jack was just confused. He just confirmed it. Now I really hate him.

Jack's POV

Life is good. I'm fucking Amber, my other hoes, and Dani doesn't hate me anymore. Dani was right, feelings come and go. When I was fucking Amber, all my feelings for Dani went out the window, but when it was done, it all came back. All the emotions and feelings I had towards Dani came back, and stronger than ever. I feel guilty as hell for hooking up with Amber. Gesh, I'm such a fuck up! I get the most beautiful girl to like me, then I go behind her back and hook up with another girl! This is like legit the first time I have ever felt like shit for hooking up with a girl. I really like Dani, I want to be with her and only her.

When the final bell rings, I rush out the building to catch up with Dani. She's walking faster than usual.

"Hey Dani!" I call to her with a smile. She doesn't turn around or stop. What the hell is wrong with her? "Dani." I say as I walk in front of her. I see that her whole face is red, and her eyes are red and puffy. I'm sure she's been crying, but why? "Dani, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask her. She just continues to walk. She doesn't even look at me. My heart drop at how she's not even making eye contact with me. "Dani, talk to me. What happened? What made you cry?" I ask again.

"How was it?" She asks emotionless. What the hell is she talking about? She couldn't possibly know about Amber and I hooking up.

"How was what?" I play dumb, so she can get off my back.

"Playing with my feelings, leading me on, and fucking Amber. Was it fun?" She says. I stop dead in my tracks. How could she know about Amber and I? She fake smiles, the pushes past me. Ahh, shit! Damn it! I always do this!

"No, Dani wait!" I yell as I run to catch up with her. "Now look-" I began to explain, but abruptly cuts me off.

"No you look. You and I should just go back to being....whatever we were before this." She nods and genuinely smiles. Wait a minute. I stop and look up to see she's walking up her driveway.

"But before this we were nothing!" I yell to her as she opens her door.

"Exactly." I can tell she's trying to be nice and calm about the situation. "Its where we belong." She finishes, then goes inside.


When I got home I broke. I told JJ, Sammy and Cameron everything. I really really like Dani, and I want her. But I don't know how to keep her. I've never had a girl that I've actually liked before. I don't wanna throw her away over someone like Amber. Amber is nothing to me, while on the other hand, Dani is starting to become my everything.

"See you fucked up when you let Nicole suck your dick." JJ laughed uncontrollably. That's when I knew that Dani really had feelings for me.

"Dude, it felt good at first, but then I started thinking about Dani and-. Shit!" I cut myself out yelling. Fuck! I can't stop thinking about this girl. "Guys, she's the only thing I think about. I'm thinking about her right now!" I yell as I pound my fist into the dinner table. Just thinking about her crying, and me hurting her just pisses me off. I never want her to hurt because of me. I don't want her hurting at all.

"Just tell her how you feel." Cameron says as he plops up on the kitchen counter.

"I did. Then I fucked it up when fucked that slut." I put my head in the palm of my hands. What have I done?

"I don't see how you two went from hating each other to loving each other." Sammy says disgusted. Wait! Love?

"No! I didn't say shit about love." I spat at him. Of course I don't love Dani, that's insane.

"Bro, okay maybe you don't love her, but you have really strong feelings for her." Sammy retorted. That's more like it.

"Remember when you hated her, and she hated you?" Cameron laughed. We all began to laugh.

"Yeah." I mumbled to myself. "We did hate each other." I chuckle.

"You kinda messed it up now though." JJ laughs. Before I know it, I start to think about Dani, again, and then everything goes black.

Dani's POV

"Yeah." I mumble to Nicole. "We did hate each other." I laugh to myself. I broke down and called Nicole and Brianna over. I told them everything.

"Jack's a man whore. He'll never stop." Brianna said as she rubbed my thigh. I just got done crying my eyes out. I don't even now why I'm wasting my time over this boy.

"Its okay Dani. Its clear he likes you. He's just scared because he's so used to just fucking for fun, that when he actually began to like you, he got scared." Nicole said trying to comfort me. Maybe she was right. But he told me how he felt, there's no excuse.

Just when I'm about to say something, pounding at my front door interrupts me. The girls and I run downstairs, and I open the door to......Sammy?! He looks scared as hell.

"Sammy, what's wrong?" I ask, letting him inside.

"Its Jack, you gotta come get him." He breathes frantically. Oh no.

"What did he do?" I ask as I put on my flats that are nearby the door. I've never seen Sam like this. It's really scaring me.

"He's flipping the fuck out!" He yells. He looks as if he's about to cry. But, why though? What the hell is wrong with Jack?

"Over what?!" I yell back.

"Over you!" He yells as he grabs both of my shoulders. "Please, just come get him." Sammy pulls me to his car. The girls follow and pile in behind me. This can't be good.

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