Chapter 16

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Taylor's POV

I don't even know why I told Dani all those things. Its just that I'm sick and tired of seeing someone that I really care about, get fucked over time and time again. Its isn't fair for me and the rest of the guys to know, but not tell her, and it isn't fair to Dani to just continue to get screwed. It just isn't right, so I had to say something. I just hope I didn't hurt her feelings too bad.

Just when I'm about to go upstairs, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Taylor, I need you to go check on Dani, like right now!" He shouts through. The phone. Oh no! Last time something traumatic happed to her, she tried to kill herself.

"OK, I'm on my way." I quickly tell him then hang up. I drive as quickly as I can to Dani's.

"Dani open up!" I shout as I bang on her front door. She doesn't answer. "Dani, C'mon!" I yell as I continue.  "Dani-" the door swings open, cutting me off. I pull a crying Dani into my arms.

"Why me?" She asks as she sobs into my chest.

I just hug her tighter. "Dani, its all gonna be okay." I tell her the first thing that comes into my head.

"It was all true. Everything you said. And then when I Skyped him, there was some random girl in his bed with him calling him baby." She cries. That fucking bastard. No, he's not getting off like this. Still hanging onto Dani, I get out my phone and call Jack.

"What the hell Jack?" I yell at him when he answers.

"What?" He says blankly.

"You cheated on her, again. When are you gonna stop fucking up!" I yell at him.

"Dude calm down." He says.

"No! Jack she already knows what happed between you and Brianna, and all those other girls you keep cheating on her with." I breathe. "Jack, she knows." I tell him. The phone goes silent for a second.

"Tell her I love her." He says, then hangs up. I then turn back to Dani. "He said he loves you." I tell her.

Dani begins to break down and cry again. "No he doesn't." She cries as I hold her tight. "Nobody does.".

"Hold up, now that is far from the truth and you know it. You made the biggest player fall in love with you, and along the way, you got me to fall in love with you." I tell her. She may not think its true, but I do love her. I've had my eyes on her for years, but I never really had the confidence to go talk to her. Then I became popular, all the girls wanted me, and that just made me want her even more. Then Jack came, and swept her off her feet out of nowhere, then she got Cameron to fall for her as well. I just decided to back off. I thought my feelings towards her weren't real. Now I see that they are. It doesn't really matter now, because she's in love with Jack. And I'm pretty sure they are gonna get back together, which I hate, but it's bound to happen. Just like all the other times. I really just wanna be here for her, and if we're meant to be, it'll happen. I'm not gonna push or rush anything.

"Thanks Tay, but I don't understand what I could have done to deserve this." She cries some more. And that's my whole point. She doesn't deserve this.

"That's what makes me so pissed off. You don't deserve that." I comfort her. But there's one thing that I'm wondering. "I know this is probably a bad time to ask this, but have you and Jack like.....slept together?". I ask thus because Jack has a habbit of leaving girls after he's hooked up with him.

"No. Maybe that's why he keeps cheating on me.". She cries.

Even though that seems hard to believe, maybe it's true.

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