Chapter 10

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Jack's POV

Lunch is almost here and I'm so excited. Dani doesn't know what I have planned for her. The whole football team is gonna get on stage, and give their jerseys out to whoever the want. I'm gonna give my jersey to Dani. I know that people are gonna be so shocked because they know that Dani and I hate each other. Well used to.

The bell rings and the team heads to the cafeteria. This is gonna be good.

Dani's POV

When I enter the caferteria, it seems more crowded than usual. I grab a salad from the salad bar, then make my way to Jack's table. To my surprise Jack isn't there. Its only JJ, a kid I know from my classes named Nash, and three another kids named Matthew, Carter and Taylor. I know that Matthew, Taylor, and Carter are also best friends with the guys.

"Where's Jack?" I ask them.

"Oh, he'll be here in a sec." JJ says with a devious smile. I just choose to ignore it. After a couple minutes of eating, our principal, which also happens to be my auntie, comes on stage.

"Everybody, give a big applause for our undefeated football team, the Westside Jaguars!" She says into a microphone.

The whole cafeteria goes insane. All the guys come out on stage, including Jack, Sammy, and Cameron. They all have jerseys in their hands and their jumping around. The coach comes on stage and says a few words about the team.

"Now, a few words from our team captain." He says, and hands the mic off to Jack.

All the girls begin to squeal and get closer to the stage. It just makes me want to go over and slap some of them.

"I just want to say that we haven't lost a game yet, so why loose now?" He sniles. Everyone in the cafeteria begins to cheer, even me. "We didn't come this far to loose. I love this team. But win or lose, still a team.". All the guys begin to shake their heads, and the crowd once again goes crazy.

Each of the guys take the mic and begins to pass out their jerseys to people. Sammy gave his jersey to Cam, and Cam have his to Sammy. All the girls loved it, and Cam and Sammy hugged. Of course they aren't dating, or gay. Last it came to Jack. He took the microphone.

"I would like to give this first jersey to my best friends in the whole entire world. JJ, Sammy, Cameron, Nash, Matthew, Taylor, Carter. I love you idiots." He smiles and tosses JJ the jersey. Everyone laughs, even the teachers. "And this last jersey goes to someone very special to me.". I look over to see Amber smiling. I just roll my eyes. Jack then begins to walk off stage towards me. Everyone is staring. Omg, I do not do good with all eyes on me. "She's the most important member of my team." He smiles. Everyone says "awwwww", which makes me smile. He's now standing in front of me. "Everyone knows, I hate her with all my guts." He smirks, and everyone laughs. "But I love her with all my heart." He laughs. He takes my hand and lifts me up out of my seat. This is by far the greatest thing ever.

"Awweeee." The whole cafeteria sings.

"Danielle Scott, will you please do me the honor, of wearing my jersey?" He asks with a half smile, he slings the jersey over his shoulder, and nervously puts his hands in his pockets. I think for a moment. If I take this jersey, I'm his. No if, ands or buts. What the hell? I nod my head yes, and the whole cafeteria bursts out in cheers. I hug Jack really tight. I feel beyond special. I look at the back of the jersey and it says "my #1 girl" then it has my initials and Jack's initials in small blue print. Jack slips it on over my head. It feels so right on me. I lean up and kiss Jack's cheek.

This day has been perfect.

Jacks POV

Everything went as planned. I know I made Amber cry, but who cares, I love Dani. Dani looked so sexy walking around in my jersey today. Even though all the guys on the team, and every other guy in the school gave Dani wide eyes, I didn't really mind. I wanted them to see that she's sexy, and that she's all mine.

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