Chapter 8

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Cameron's POV

I was just as surprised as everyone else when Dani kissed me. Yes I liked the kiss, yes I like Dani, and I'm not gonna deny any of that to Jack or anaybody else.

"Cam, what the hell was that?!" Jack yells at me as we walk from the school. I don't know why he wants answers from me, he needs to go talk to Dani. "You fucking answer me right now, and I mean it!" He yells, which draws some attention to us. I turn around to see that Jack's eyes are red and puffy, as if he's ben crying. His face is red, and his fists and jaw are clenched.

"Jack calm down. I didn't know Dani was gonna kiss me, I was shocked too. But I'm not gonna sit here and have you yell at me and disrespect me. Now if you wanna be mature and talk to me calmly about this, then I will take the time to listen." I tell him calmly. "But if you fucking yell at me!!!," I yell at him as loud as he was just yelling at me. "The conversation is over." I say clamly. I speed walk to Dani's house, get my car, then drive to Sammy's.

Soon JJ, Jack, and Sammy pulls up behind me. We all go in the living room and sit down. "Now let's talk." I tell him. I'm kinda proud at myself at how mature I'm handling the situation.

Dani's POV

Honestly, I don't know why I kissed Cameron. It was in the heat of the moment and I guess I wanted to make Jack jealous. But I don't regret it. I did like the kiss, a lot, and yes I do have some feelings for Cameron. I really don't care what Gilinsky thinks.

I get knocked out of my thoughts by my phone vibrating in my back pocket.

"Hey can you come by Sammy's house, its important." JJ says over the phone. Oh gosh, I hope Jack isn't acting bipolar again.

"Okay, I'll be there in 5." I grab my penny board and skate as fast as I can down the road. When I reach Sammy's house, I throw my board in his open garage, and then make my way towards the front door. I knock on the door, and Sammy answers.

"Thank god you're here." He says and pulls me inside. "Fix them." He says pushing me towards the couch where Jack and Cameron are sitting.

"Oh looky here, the slutbag herself." Jack says laughing at me. My heart breaks at his words. Jack has called me a bitch before, and he was just kidding, but never a slut or whore. Nothing to that extreme. I just try to ignore his comment. "Would the whore like to say something?" Jacks smirks at me. I can feel tears pushing their way out of my eyes, but I hold them back.

"Look guys-"

"Actually, shut the fuck up! You're a fucking slutty ass whore, and you tried to come in between me and my bestfriend!" He yells at me.

"Shut up Jack!" Cameron yells at Jack.

"No! She says she loves me and she likes you, but who knows, she's probably somewhere shoving some other guys dick down her throat." He says in my face. Wow, I have never had someone be so mean and disrespectful to me. This is by far the rudest thing Jack has ever said to me. When I look his eyes, all I see is hate, hate for me. I'm gonna just go home. This was mistake. Jack and I were a mistake.

"I'm sorry." I say calmly with my head down, as tears escape my eyes. Even though I'm hurting like hell, I have to put on a smile, and maybe, just maybe, everything will be alright. I smile, and wipe my tears away as I chuckle. I look up and see that Sammy, JJ, Cameron, and Jack are all surprised at how I'm acting. "I'm gonna go." I whisper. I get up and head out. I run to Sammy's garage and grab my penny board. The only thing I'm good at is smiling. That's the only thing that makes every bad situation good.

Jack's POV

"Jack, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" JJ yells. I really don't know what came over me. I was just so angry about her and Cameron kissing, and them bonding. It literally makes me want to puke. Why would I say that to her? Once again, I'm such a fuck up! Why, Jack??!!! Why!!!! I love Dani, and I always some how find a way to push her away. Now she'll probably never talk to me again.

"Dude, why would you say that to her?" Sammy says with a look of disgust on his face. Great, now my best friends hate me. "Like, I can't even believe it." He says as he shakes his head. Sammy then stomps up to his room, and then slams his door. Fuck, what have I done? "Jack! Get the hell outta my house! Now!" Sammy yells. He's so angry. He hates it when nice girls get disrespected. It makes him angry because sadly, his mom was a victim of physical, mental, and emotional abuse. He really hates that type of stuff. I get up and storm out of his house, slamming the door behind me. What the hell? I don't even need Dani, if anything she needs me.

Cameron's POV

Jack was so out of line when he was talikng to Dani. No girl deserves to hear things like that, especially if it's directed towards them. And no, Dani is not coming in between Jack and I. Jack is the one that's breaking us apart. I really just want Dani.

Dani's POV

I can't believe Jack said those thing to me. I know I have this little thing about smiling even though your going through something tough, but I can't help it, I have to cry.
Knock, Knock, Knock

I quickly dry my tears and make myself look presentable before going to answer the door.

"Cameron?" I ask as I sniffle. He steps inside and engulfs me in a hug. I instantly hug back.

"I'm so sorry he said those horrible things to you." He says as he hugs me tight. "That shit was not right." He adds.

"I don't know what I did to him." I break down and cry at what happened at Sammy's house.

"You didn't do anything. You're none of those things he said. You are beautiful, fun, and all kinds of cool. I've never liked any girl as much as I like you. You're perfect." Cameron says as he looks me deep in my eyes. We both lean in and kiss each other. As Cameron and I kiss, everything that happened at Sammy's house, seems to just fade away. Yes I still love Jack, but Cameron and I are made for each other.

I think

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