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"What happened, Tae?" Yoongi asked him softly while rubbing his back soothingly.

"Hyung, why can't Jungkook love me? Am I that bad? He says I am weak. Am I weak hyung?" Taehyung questioned in a broken voice.

Again that bastard! Right now Yoongi really wanted to choke his brother to death. How can he hurt such a precious little being. Only if Yoongi knew what was the truth.

He was about to speak when his phone started ringing. He saw 'Namjoon' light up on the phone screen and picked it.

"Hey, Namjoon." He greeted with a smile but his smile quickly disappeared after hearing what Namjoon said from the other line.

Taehyung noticed and wipe his tears. Yoongi's expressions were grave. Taehyung curled his fists due to nervousness and asked him, "Hyung, is everything alright?"

Yoongi said, "Okay." And hung up. He turned to Taehyung and grabbed his shoulders.

"Tae, listen to me and don't panic. Listen to me first, okay?" Yoongi said.

Taehyung gulped and nodded.

"Namjoon was shot on his way to work today. It was an ambush." Yoongi said.

Taehyung covered his face, panic and worry rising in his chest. He asked, "I-Is he okay?"

Yoongi nodded and took his wrist, "It's not safe for you guys to stay in Daegu anymore. Come with me,"

Yoongi pulled out his phone on the way and called Hoseok and Jimin.

All of them gathered at the Kim Mansion in half an hour.

Jimin asked after sitting down, "Why did you call us so suddenly?"

Hoseok, who already knew the whole story explained everything to him.

Jimin's expression grew serious as he looked at Taehyung, "It's not safe for Taehyung to stay here anymore. We have to move quickly, I will leave for Seoul with Taehyung tonight."

Hoseok nodded, "Take some of my highly trained men with you. And take care."

Yoongi also said, "Take care."

Jimin nodded and told Taehyung, "Go and pack."

They heard a knock on the door and a maid came in, "Someone is looking for Young Master Taehyung."

Taehyung frowned and said, "I will go and see who it is."

Jimin nodded, "Make it quick."

Taehyung got up and went to the entrance of the mansion.

They was a person waiting there for him. The person turned around revealing a familiar face.

Taehyung stopped in his tracks, confused and called out.



A week flew away quickly after that incident.

I have not seen Tae from last week. He is not coming to school. And his friend Jimin is also not coming. Did something happen?Jimin is Yoongi hyung's boyfriend he must know! 

Jungkook thought to himself and went to find Yoongi.

"Hyung did you know where is Tae? He is not coming to school from last week." Jungkook asked.

"Isn't he annoying to you so why do you care if he is not coming to school? Huh?" Yoongi scoffed.

"I don't care about him I was just asking." Jungkook lied.

"Well you should care because today that he isn't here is only because of you." Yoongi also lied. He wanted to make his brother feel guilty.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything this time!" Jungkook said, defending himself.

"He has moved somewhere else from Daegu. Are you happy now?" Yoongi said coldly while glaring at his brother.

Jungkook's mouth closed and opened several times but no words came out. 

He should be happy that Taehyung would be safe now but he can't help the pain he was feeling right now.

He raised his hands and found that his cheeks were wet.

Guess I really loved him too much, huh.

He thought and chuckled bitterly. He quickly turned his face away before Yoongi could see him crying.

He threw an 'I don't care' and walked away from there/

But they doesn't know that destiny will always find its way.


Yugyeom knocked on the door of his best friend's room and called, "You fucker, get out! Are you thinking about starving yourself to death because of guilt!"

Jungkook's hoarse voice came out, "Shut up, Yug. Leave me alone."

Yugyeom furiously punched the wooden door, "You have been saying that shit since the last week. Everytime I come, you tell me to leave you alone! Come out, you motherfucker!"

Yugyeom got no response and he turned towards Yoongi who was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed, Yoongi said, "Told ya he will not listen! I have tried ten times since morning."

Yugyeom rubbed his temples, "We have to do something!"

Yugyeom knocked once again and said, "Jungkook, Tae is here."

Jungkook's voice came, "Do you think I am fool? I wouldn't get fooled by the same thing again and again!"

Same thing?

Yugyeom turned to Yoongi who said, "Well, I have already fooled him one time by saying Tae came. It's of no use now."

Yugyeom: "......."

"What else can we do?" He mumbled.

Yoongi stood straight and looked at him, "Leave him be. He is not a child anymore. He will come out when he understands this."

Yoongi shouted to Jungkook, "You are a fuckin mafia leader now, and you can't afford to show weakness! So get your ass out here fast!"

After saying that he left dragging Yugyeom with him.

Inside the room, Jungkook who was laying on the floor lifeless, slowly got up and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Look at what you've become Jeon Jungkook."

He snarled as he looked at the image reflected in the mirror.

Messy hair, dark circles, sullen cheeks, pale skin and dry lips.

He took a deep breathe and walked towards the bathroom.

He took a cold shower and washed himself.

He wore a tight fitting expensive suit and combed his hair back. He picked up the gun on his dresser and loaded it.

He looked up, his eyes were dark.

"It's not the time to show weakness."


Thanks for reading!


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