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Will he forgive me?

Will he love me again?

Jungkook's thoughts were cut off by Mr. Lee.

Well Mr. Lee is the holder of this meeting.

"Taehyung how are you here today? Where is Namjoon?" Mr. Lee asked.

"Hyung is in US for something important so I will attend the meeting on his behalf. I hope there isn't any problem in that?" He replied.

"No there isn't any problem. I am happy to see you" Mr. Lee replied with a soft smile on his face.

"Yes, it has been so long. Me and EXO missed you!" Baekhyun said as he got up from his seat to give Taehyung a hug.

"WE TOO!!" GOT7 shouted in unison. They were all about to get up to pounce on Taehyung but Jackson stopped them.

Jackson smiled and hugged him, "It's been so long. I missed you."

Jackson is actually Jennie's brother. He is also Taehyung's cousin.

"We will talk about it later but we are running late now so let's begin and sorry for my late arrival!" Taehyung said and smiled at Jackson softly.

"Don't worry if I knew you would be coming, I could wait for the whole day." Jackson said.

Seeing how close they were, Jungkook clenched his fists.

Mr. Lee nodded and told Taehyung to take his seat.

The meeting started and everyone introduced their proposals. When it was Jungkook's turn, he stood up and started explaining but Taehyung froze in his seat.


Why is he here? How?

He thought as the memories of past rushed to his brain like waves. He felt a hand squeezing his and saw it was Jimin.

He weakly smiled at Jimin and squeezed his hand back whispering, "I am okay."

But Jimin knew that he was far from being okay. So that's why when it was their turn he didn't let Taehyung stand up and motioned to Yeonjun instead.

Yeonjun nodded and confidently stood up.

He started explaining and Mr. Lee listened to him intently. After he was done, Mr. Lee clapped a little and said, "You are the second copy of Namjoon and Taehyung!"

"I am impressed!" Mr. Lee smiled.

Yeonjun bowed his head a little and smiled back.

When he sat down, he was immediately attacked by Taehyung, "Aww, my little brother did so well!"

"Our Yeonjun is the best!" Jimin smiled.

Yeonjun blushed hearing their compliments.

The meeting finally ended after two hours and Jimin was so bored.

Yeonjun muttered, "My legs are numb."

"Mine too." Jimin nodded.

"I am also bored. We will just ask Hoseok hyung to attend these kind of meetings next time." Taehyung said.

After sometime, Mr. Lee announced that this deal goes to Bangtan and the trio was more than happy.

"Yay, hyung!" Yeonjun cheered like a baby and Taehyung couldn't help but coo at him.

Taehyung pinched his cheeks and pressed a kiss on his forehead, "It's only because of you."

Yeonjun was flustered so he hid his face behind his hands.

"Aww, are you shy?" Jimin teased him and laughed.

"Let's go back." Taehyung said and both of them nodded.


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