Chapter 33

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Taehyung hummed a sweet melody while fixing his scarf and gloves. As Jungkook had told him, he is taking good care of himself so he wouldn't be scolded later. Hoseok entered his room while rubbing his hands.

Hoseok commented, "It's really cold outside."  

Taehyung sighed while grabbing another pair of gloves and took Hoseok's hands into his own. He put the gloves on his hands and then grabbed the another scarf, tying it on Hoseok's neck. Hoseok smiled at him and patted his hair.

Taehyung scolded, "You should take care of yourself Hobi hyung." And Hoseok hummed.

"We should get going now." Hoseok said getting up but Taehyung stopped him.

"Hyung, do we have some more time?" Taehyung asked. Hoseok nodded and raised an eyebrow.

He chuckled and asked, "You wanna call your lover?" Taehyung blushed and nodded while biting his lip. "Go ahead. We have plenty of time." He said and walked out.

Taehyung picked up his phone and dialed the number.

"Did you do it?" He asked as soon as the person picked up.

"Why so rush? Just chill. I'll do something." The person on the other side said.

"What do you mean by you will? Believe me you wouldn't be able to see tomorrow's sun. Talk to him before I get there. Namjoon hyung has already agreed. Just make him agree." Taehyung sternly said.

"I mean it's like playing with fire. But I will try. I can't guarantee anything though." The person said.

Taehyung, "Don't you dare back off now. You said that he is close to you, right ? So do it. Talk first. If he still wouldn't listen than kill him."

The person sighed, "Killing him isn't that easy."

Taehyung scoffed, "Listen here, that person isn't god. So killing him isn't impossible. I would be finally free once he is dead. Or believe me if he lived than you would be dead."

The person gulped, "Don't worry. I'll try talking first."

Taehyung hummed and hung up. Then he dialed another number. The person was quick to pick.

"Finally had some time for me." Jimin said from other line.

Taehyung smiled, "I thought I shouldn't disturb you in your honeymoon. Just saw your post. You look happy."

Jimin smiled, "I am happy."

Taehyung chuckled and said, "And that's what matters. How's Yoongi hyung?"

Jimin, "He is good, happy these days."

Taehyung, "I am so happy for you guys. How many days till you return?"

Jimin said, "5 more days. You?"

Taehyung, "2 more days. I hope everything goes well.

Jimin said, "Just don't stress yourself. Everything will be okay. Or I can kill him for you anytime."

Taehyung laughed, "How can I dirty your hands for such a person? Don't worry."

Jimin hummed and said, "Just be safe."

Taehyung smiled, "Sure. Now stop that and give me details."

Jimin blushed, "You naughty brat. I'll give you the details once we are back. I wouldn't do on the phone."

Taehyung, "As you wish. Give my love to Yoongi hyung. I'll call you later. Bye!"

Jimin said, "Just take care."

Taehyung smiled, "I will."

He picked up his gun and checked everything. Safety comes first after all. Just then Namjoon called.

"Yes hyung." Taehyung answered.

"Tae, do you need back up or more people. I can arrange anything. If you don't wanna do it than just say I will handle him myself." Namjoon's concern laced voice came from other end.

Taehyung smiled and said, "I will do it myself hyung and don't worry. I'll be back safe. Tell Jin hyung to cook my favorite food."

Namjoon chuckled, "Sure, just take care."

Taehyung put the phone down and opened Jungkook's picture. He smiled and kissed the picture.

I'll do it. For you and for me. For us.


"Hyung let's go." Taehyung said and Hoseok got up.

"If you find anything wrong just signal me." Hoseok said patting his head and Taehyung nodded. 

They got into their car and drove to the hotel they are meeting in. They reached there very soon because it wasn't far away from where they are staying.

When the car stopped at the destination the guard opened the door for Taehyung. Taehyung got out with a cold look on his face trying to look intimidating but when he is wearing that baby purple scarf, covering half of his face with those gloves which have small cartoon patterns on them, how on earth can he look intimidating. The guards present all have honey dripping eyes behind those black sunglasses. They only have one thought in mind: "How cute!"

The other guard opened the door for Hoseok who was looking the same but he still looked intimidating. Eunwoo, who was the right hand man of Devil, came forward and held out his hand for Taehyung to take who smiled, placing his hand in other's. Eunwoo kissed his hand, as a sign of respect. Other than their boss, they only pay respect to this person. Why not? He is the fiance of their boss. 

Yes, fiance.


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