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"Wait here. I will take care of the guards," Lisa told Yugyeom as he started walking towards Baekhyun's room. There were two guards at the door.

"Hello," She extended her hand for a handshake and the guard did so. When he placed his hand in her she injected the needle she was hiding between her fingers in his wrist. She did the same with another guard.

"I am Kim Lisa. I wanted to meet Byun Baekhyun." She said.

"I am sorry but our boss is in so you can't go now," One of the guards said. She smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, I will come later." She said and walked back where Yugyeom was waiting for her.

"Did you go to shake hands with them? Really?" Yugyeom asked in disbelief. She rolled her eyes and shake her head.

"Just wait for 2 more minutes and see," She said boredly.

Yugyeom scoffed but still compiled. He saw how the guards fainted after 2 minutes. He smiled amusedly and turned towards her but she was already walking towards them. He also followed her quickly. They entered the room and told their men to guard the hallway.

Baekhyun was sitting there and Lee DongWook was passed on the couch. Lisa hugged Baekhyun and thanked him.

"Taehyung called. He told me to kill him," Lisa informed and Yugyeom nodded. She grabbed her gun and shot him right through the forehead.

"Clean the mess." She told Yugyeom and walked out.


Everyone was currently sitting in Kim Mansion. They decided to celebrate this with a dinner.

"I would say that you and your sister both are really skilled and smart," Yugyeom uttered. Taehyung and Lisa winked at each other and continued eating.

"Tell us something that we don't know," Taehyung said.

"Shit!" Jungkook cursed. He accidentally spilled wine on himself.

"Taehyung show him the bathroom." Lisa said smirking at Taehyung who glared at her but compiled.

"Come with me." Taehyung said and started walking upstairs with Jungkook behind him who was only focused on Taehyung's ass.

"Do you need my help?" Taehyung asked when they reached his room. Jugkook nodded.

Taehyung grabbed a tissue and started wiping his shirt after wetting it. Taehyung was focused on the cleaning that he didn't noticed how close they are. Jungkook was only staring at Taehyung the whole time. He didn't noticed when his hand moved on his own and tucked Taehyung's blonde hair strand behind his ear.

Taehyung froze as a blush crept on his face. He quickly moved away and that was when he locked eyes with Jungkook. They were unable to look away. They were practically drowning in each others eyes. Taehyung felt that he is held captive by Jungkook's gaze. And the fact that he is still madly in love with Jeon Jungkook was also not helping.

Jungkook held Taehyung's both hands and brought them near his lips not breaking the eye contact. He pressed his lips softly on his knuckles which cause sparks to emit between them and let them rest there for some seconds.

Their hearts were beating so fast that they thought it would come out of their chests.

"Thank you." He softly whispered which sent shivers down Taehyung's spine. He closed his eyes and sucked a sharp breathe. His ears turned read as he also whispered a small 'It's okay'. Jungkook still didn't let go of Taehyung hands.

"Let's go." Jungkook whispered letting go off his one hand but still holding other. He walked them back downstairs holding Taehyung's hand the whole time who was furiously blushing behind him. Jungkook was also blushing, a soft smile on his lips. Both of them feeling butterflies in their stomach.

He let go of his hand when they reached downstairs. Both of them missing the warmth and the familiar butterflies. The rest of the dinner went peacefully with Taehyung and Jungkook stealing glance at each other and blushing whenever they got caught.

It was time for them to leave now. Taehyung was also going to his penthouse. He came with Lisa so he didn't have his car. Jungkook once again asked him to drop him.

"Please Tae. Please." Jungkook pleaded and Taehyung gave in.

Jungkook opened the door for Taehyung and they got in. Once again they were surrounded by silence. Jungkook decided to break the silence and asked "Why do you live alone?"

"No particular reason. I wanted to live on my own so I moved." Taehyung shrugged.

"You can play music if you want." Jungkook said.

"Do you like 'The Chainsmokers?'" Taehyung asked. 

"I have never heard them but you can play if you like." He said. Taehyung nodded and played 'Takeaway".

Taehyung sang along the lyrics, "Before I love you na na na, I am gonna leave you na na na~"

Jungkook couldn't help but smile, "You should be a singer."

Taehyung blushed and thanked him.

After fifteen minutes they finally reached Taehyung's stop. Taehyung got out from the car and bend to the window level.

"Thanks for today, Mr. Jeon." He whispered sensually, suddenly getting very confident.

"Likewise." Jungkook grinned and drove off leaving a smiling Taehyung.


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