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Right now Jungkook is walking at the back with the one and only Yugyeom. Taehyung is walking with Jimin in front. Taehyung giggled at something that Jimin said. He leaned forward to listen what they are saying.

"Look there! Isn't he handsome? Just your type." Jimin said to Taehyung pointing somewhere. Jungkook looked over the direction he is pointing curiously. He saw a tall boy with dark brown hair in his early twenties sitting on a bench.

Next moment the boy was being hugged by someone with a familiar yellow sweater and his eyes widened when he recognized that the person was none other than his Taehyung. He poked his inner cheek and tried to control himself from going there and rip him off Taehyung.

"I told him to talk first but he just crushed him into a hug. He will scare him away." Jimin mumbled as shocked as Jungkook when he saw Taehyung coming to their direction holding the boy's hand. How much Jungkook wanted to kill the boy.

"Chim, he is my very good friend from America, Dylan Wang." Taehyung introduced smiling widely and Jungkook glared at Dylan with clear jealously shining in his eyes. He grabbed the nearest thing tightly which happened to be Yugyeom's hand crushing it with the force and only Yugyeom knows how he controlled himself from screaming because of the immense pain.

"Hey Dylan! Thanks for taking care of him in America. I am Jimin his Soulmate." Jimin said giving Dylan a tight lipped smile while saying the word Soulmate very possessively. Dylan nervously smiled at him meanwhile Taehyung just smiled and shook his head at Jimin's behavior.

"He is such a sweetheart. I just wanted to take care of him and protect him since the first time I saw him in America." Dylan said at which Taehyung playfully nudged him smiling. And guess what the hero of our story was burning Yugyeom with the fire radiating off his body. If eyes could kill than there would be the ashes of Dylan by now with Jungkook's burning glare in him.

And there was someone else also who was jealous, of course Park Jimin. But his jealously was different from Jungkook's. His was platonic jealously while Jungkook's......well let's not get started about that.

"When did you come to South Korea? You didn't even tell me." Taehyung pouted and Dylan hugged him from back resting his chin on Taehyung's shoulder mumbling an 'I am sorry'. Jungkook took a sharp breathe closing his eyes, trying to calm himself but nothing was working. Yugyeom already moved far away from him because he didn't wanted his hand disabled and his body burnt.

Thankfully Yoongi saw his brother's flames and decided to step in. He walked to Taehyung taking his hand and smiling at him.

"Someone have a surprise for you, come with me." Yoongi said and Taehyung looked at him both confused and excited. He moved forward making Dylan back away from the backhug. Jungkook finally calmed down a little but right now he wanted to touch Taehyung, get close to him.

Yoongi moved to Jungkook dragging Taehyung with him still holding his hand. He placed Taehyung's hand in Jungkook's and whispered something in his ear. Jungkook finally calmed down completely after holding Taehyung's hand. The amazing warmth that Taehyung's soft hand was providing was something Jungkook never wanted to go.

He softly smiled at Taehyung who had a tint of pink on his beautiful bread cheeks. How much Jungkook wanted to kiss them, squish them, pinch them, cup them, eat them right now!

Taehyung returned the smile with a shy one and Jungkook wanted to pick the older and lock him inside his heart so no one can see him. Kim Taehyung, you will be the death of me.


Jungkook made his way to the theater room still holding Taehyung's soft hand with his rough one and Taehyung wanted to feel those rough hands on his whole body. He blushed at his own thoughts and smiled looking at Jungkook who was walking looking ahead.

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