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"Yo bitches, your queen is going!" Taehyung shouted, holding Woobin in his arms who had small sunglasses on his eyes and he himself also had sunglasses on.

Seojoon and Hyungsik looked up at him and rose an eyebrow in sync. Hyungsik chuckled while Seojoon got up and smacked Taehyung's head which made his head jerk downwards and his glasses fell off. 

Taehyung turned his head and glared at him. He bend down to pick up his glasses but a leather shoe came in view and crushed them. 

Taehyung gritted his teeth and shouted, "They were worth 1500 dollars!"

Seojoon fixed his sleeves calmly and glanced at him, "Whom are you calling a bitch? And better mind your language with me." Taehyung glared at him with clenched jaw and huffed. 

Woobin giggled and clapped his hands. The sunglasses making him look even more cute. Seojoon and Taehyung cooed at the sight and Taehyung's angry mood also dissipated in thin air. 

Hyungsik shake his head, smiling and said, "What a cute pair of brothers!"

Seojoon and Taehyung both looked at each other and had an intense staring eye contact for 2 minutes, time noted by Hyungsik. Then at the same time both of them scoffed and looked away, walking to the opposite directions. 

Hyungsik also got up and left because the drama was over.

Four bodyguards immediately joined Taehyung once he set a foot out of the mansion. Taehyung looked up and saw Seojoon looking at them from the french window of his room. Taehyung resentfully whispered, "Bloody businessman!"

One of the guards, opened the car door for him. He got in and told the driver, "Head to the mall." The driver nodded and they drove off.


Taehyung was strolling around with Woobin when the baby pointed at something. Taehyung also looked in the direction and they bumped into someone. 

"Ah!" The person, they bumped into landed on the ground. Taehyung instantly snapped his head in the direction and saw a mob of black hair. 

Taehyung passed Woobin to the nearest guard and crouched down next to the person. The person was looking down so he couldn't see his face. 

Taehyung questioned, "Hey, I am sorry. Are you okay?"

 Hearing his voice the person jerked his head upward and his face came in view to Taehyung. 

Taehyung doesn't know why but his soul gave a violent shake seeing the person's face. He felt a strong attraction to this person, like his soul was pulling him towards him. 

It was Jimin he bumped into

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It was Jimin he bumped into. Jimin opened his mouth and closed it again. His emotions were overwhelming him. He couldn't control as crystal tears rolled down his cheeks. It all happened so suddenly. He was seeing his TaeTae in front of him. How can he not cry?

When Taehyung saw the stranger crying, he was worried and asked, "Did it hurt really bad?" 

Jimin couldn't answer him because he was a sobbing mess. He gasped for breathe. 

Taehyung's expression instantly changed from worried to panicked. 

Oh shit! He is having a panic attack!

Taehyung didn't know what to do, but his body moved on it's own and he hugged Jimin. 

He rubbed his back and softly whispered, "It's okay. Everything is okay. Keep calm. Look at me and follow my instructions okay?" 

He looked at Jimin and gently instructed, "Breathe in." He himself demonstrated in front of him and took a breathe. Jimin following him also breathed.

"Breathe out." Taehyung slowly exhaled, Jimin following him. "Very good. Now again breathe in." Taehyung rubbed Jimin's back and softly whispered. Jimin again followed his instructions and after a minute of repeating it again and again, he was better.

"Water!" Taehyung said and the guard was very smart and had already brought a water bottle when he saw the situation. He passed it to him. 

Taehyung opened the cap and placed it near Jimin's lips. 

He gently said, "Take a small sip." Jimin took a sip and they did it for five more times. Jimin was a lot better now and stared at Taehyung. 

Taehyung again hugged him and whispered, "I am here Chim, everything is alright now." The name rolled off his tongue so smoothly that he didn't even noticed but Jimin did. 

A tear rolled down Jimin's eye as he smiled knowingly and hugged him back. Only he knows how much he needed this.

Jimin whispered against his neck, "Thank you." 

Taehyung slowly pulled away hearing him and smiled, "It was all I could do. Don't say it." 

Taehyung then noticed that they were still sitting on the ground and there was a crowd looking at them.

 He glanced at the guards who immediately understood him and sent the crowd away. He got up first and gently helped Jimin up.

He was very surprised that how calmly and smoothly he handled the situation, like he had been through it before. He felt a strange attachment to this person. He wanted to keep him close. 

Jimin looked at Taehyung who was in daze and smiled. He thought as if he could read his thought, 'Of course you have been through it before. Whenever I would have a panic attack in past, it was always you by my side.'

He took a deep breathe and said, "I am Park Jimin." 

Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts and introduced himself, "Ah, I forgot. I am Park Sam." 

Jimin mouthed the name 'Park Sam' a few times soundlessly and suddenly smiled, "Oh. It's a nice name. We have same surnames." 

Then he suddenly remembered something and said, "Ah! I forgot that I am Jeon now. I am actually married so my last name is now Jeon."

Taehyung laughed at his silly expression and said, "How can you forget that you are married. You are the first person ever." 

Jimin looked at him with fond eyes and smiled. "Would you like to have ice-cream together?" Taehyung actually wanted to refuse but something in him told him not to. He was the type of person who had always listened to his heart so he smiled and said, "Of course!"

Jimin looked behind Taehyung and saw Yoongi standing there. Yoongi smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled back and nodded subtly. Yoongi saw them walk away and wiped his watery eyes.

He is still the same beautiful angel I knew. Just even more beautiful now.


Here's an update guys! 

I am sorry if I couldn't update sooner now bcz my school has started! Ahh!  I hate it! I hate studying! I only like History, it's my fav subject.

Do you like to study? Tell me your fav subject.

Thanks for reading!♥♥

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