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The sound of screeching tires pulled Jungkook out from his trance. He got out of the car and walked inside the graveyard with a bouquet of fresh purple roses. These were Taehyung's favorite flowers. He sadly smiled standing in front of the grave. He gently placed the flowers on it and cleaned the dust with his handkerchief.

"I love you." He mumbled and got up. Suddenly a harsh wind blew and the flowers scattered out of the bouquet in the whole graveyard. A single rose flew with the wind, far way. Jungkook's face dimmed. It has always happened. Whenever he would come, his flowers would always flew away. It has been 2 years since his death. He sighed and walked away.


The beautiful silver haired male squinted his eyes at the purple rose which flew from somewhere and had crashed directly in his face. He looked up at the sky and suddenly laughed holding the rose.

"Even god can't resist my handsomeness." He blew a kiss towards the sky and than kissed the rose.

"Sammy!" A magnetic male voice came from behind and his lips curved up in a unique boxy smile.

"Hey hyung!" He called and winked at the handsome male that had called him. The man's body was covered by a tight fitting business suit that hugged his muscles perfectly. He had a sharp and sexy jawline. His eyebrows were sharp and thick like sword. And the pair of deep phoenix eyes that adorned his face were pitch black.

He walked towards the silver haired male in powerful strides and glanced towards the soft and beautiful flower in his hands. His eyebrows rose up. 

"Who gave you the rose?" The handsome male name Park Seojoon asked, looking at the flower in his hand. 

He was the eldest son of the Parks

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He was the eldest son of the Parks. The Parks dominated Daegu. They owned many companies and their business has flourished excessively since their eldest son had taken the position of CEO.

The boy tilted his head and smiled, "Maybe my future lover."

Seojoon chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Yeah yeah, not until I am here. Whoever he is, has to take my permission first. Or it wouldn't cost me much breaking his legs." He cracked his knuckles and flexed his biceps. The silver haired male clinged to him and glared, "You wouldn't dare!" 

Seojoon gave a creepy smile and said, "I will!"

"Guys, mom is calling for breakfast and you are here fighting over these brainless things!" A voice called behind them as they stopped bickering and turned around. A tall and handsome male appeared, his lips were curved upwards as his dark eyes scanned the two persons who were bickering.

This person was the second son of The Parks, Park Hyungsik. He is a very famous and talented actor. He is known by everyone in South Korea. However, even if he belonged to the wealthiest family of Daegu and is a first class actor, he didn't have a single ounce of arrogance. He has a very down to earth personality that make his fans love him more.

He pushed his soft brown hair out of his eyes before he raised his perfect shaped eyebrows towards them

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He pushed his soft brown hair out of his eyes before he raised his perfect shaped eyebrows towards them. The action made him look really cute. If any of his fans were present here, then they would have dies because of the cuteness.

The silver haired boy whom they called Sammy immediately walked to him and hugged his torso, whining, "Hyungie, he said he will break my lover's legs."

Hyungsik said, "I will also contribute."

The silver haired boy's face twitched, "You!"

At this time, a beautiful lady who was probably in her late 40's walked to them and smiled, "Sons, the breakfast is getting cold. Come on!"

The silver haired male glared at the two Park sons and walked to the dining hall.

The silver haired male was Park Sam. He is the youngest adopted son of the Parks.


Jungkook walked inside the mansion with Yugyeom and saw his brother sitting beside a gloomy Jimin. He sighed and tried to put a smile on his face before greeting Jimin, "Hey Jimin!"

Jimin didn't move. He was staring on the ground continuously. Yoongi's eyes dimmed but he tried , "Baby, eat something. We have to go to the psychiatrist later." However Jimin didn't say anything but picked the plate and started eating.

Jungkook was depressed seeing this scene everyday. Since Taehyung's death, Jimin has been suffering from Depression. He wouldn't talk to anyone or smile. He is just like a dead person with no emotions. Jungkook swallowed his saliva and said, "Hyung, I think we should move back to Daegu."

Yoongi looked at him and asked, "Why move back?"

"Maybe a change of environment would be good for Jimin." Jungkook explained. Yoongi was silent for a minute but finally agreed. "I will tell Namjoon and Jin about this." Jungkook nodded at him and walked back to the car.

His days without Taehyung were black and white, only work, work and work. Yugyeom looked at his friend worriedly and sighed. Since the day Taehyung left, Jungkook has never laughed. None of them has. Jimin became depressed while Jungkook became a workaholic. Namjoon became a ruthless Mafia Leader while Yoongi became a facially paralyzed person. Lisa engages herself in missions and fights while Hoseok has dark circles under his eyes because of constant work. Their lives have been turned upside down.


Yoongi breathed in the air of Daegu and asked Jimin who was sitting beside him, looking out of the window.

"Baby, do you like it here?" He questioned but got no answer. He was used to this. But it hurt. Even if he never says, he is also hurting inside.

Jungkook placed a hand on his shoulder and comforted him, "Everything would be okay."

Hopefully, everything would be okay soon.

Jungkook opened his phone and looked at the wallpaper on his phone screen. It was a photo of Taehyung. It was clicked when they were in Switzerland. He was so happy at that time. He kissed the photo and wiped the single tear sliding down his cheek. He took a deep breathe and tried to control his emotions. He has to be strong, for his family, for Taehyung and for himself.

However he didn't know that they were destined to be together so how could they be separated. 

They will meet again.......soon.

Because destiny will make them meet and this time they wouldn't be separated. For sure.

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