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This person's arms has always felt home to Taehyung. A feeling he is now addicted to. He feels so comfortable, safe, warm and lazy in Jungkook's arms.

Yes, it is Jungkook who had just came.

Jungkook held Taehyung close to his chest, sighing in content. Everything felt nice suddenly. He was going out of his mind not seeing Taehyung for 2 days but now with Taehyung in his arms, he couldn't tell the relief and happiness he felt. Spending the days without Taehyung was hell for him. Taehyung is like a drug for him. He can prefer to overdose but never leave it.

Love is such a beautiful feeling.  The purest thing in the whole world. 

Love can completely break you.

Love can completely heal you.

Taehyung and Jungkook had experienced both. It was their own love that broke them and also their own love that had healed them. And they can't be happier. Jungkook hold Taehyung like he is hold world---which he is.

Taehyung buried his face in his neck and Jungkook could feel Taehyung smiling against his neck. Jungkook kissed Taehyung's hair softly, numerous times breathing in the sweet strawberry fragrance. Jungkook has loved this smell the most on Earth.

Finally after seemed like an eternity they backed away, still holding each other in their arms. Jungkook leaned in and kissed Taehyung's forehead, who flashed a gorgeous and breathtaking boxy smile. Jungkook has always been weak for Taehyung's boxy smiles. They are just too adorable and too cute for a normal heart to take. And his heart still raced this day after seeing that smile just like first day.

That day also his heart has raced faster when he had seen that smile for first time. And till today it has the same effect on him.

"You can't just decide to give me a heart attack like that!" He puffed his cheeks to which Taehyung poked them and they made a 'pff' sound going back to normal. Taehyung kissed his both cheeks and ran his hand through the other's blonde locks.

"That goes for you too, Mister." Taehyung retorted, pointing at his blonde hair. 

"I kinda wanted to have a matching hair color like" Jungkook said, looking a bit nervous. Taehyung internally cooed at him, kissing his nose.

"You don't like them?" Jungkook nervously asked, biting his bottom lip. He looked too cute for a Mafia boss. Taehyung stopped himself from pinching his cheeks and answered, "I don't like them."

He watched as Jungkook's eyes dimmed and he slowly added, "I loved them so fucking much." And now watched his lips slowly stretching into a wide bunny smile.

"Are we going to stand here for the rest of the day?" Jungkook teased and Taehyung pulled him in, making him sit on the bed, while he got him a glass of water. Jungkook smiled at him before gulping down the water. Taehyung sat next to him.

"Why so suddenly?" Taehyung asked. He was curious that why would Jungkook suddenly show up here instead of being on his business trip. But he admitted that he was happy to see him. He had missed him so much in just two days.

Jungkook smiled and answered him, playing with Taehyung's fingers, "I missed you."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at him, "Tell me the main reason now."

Jungkook sighed. He really sucks at lying. "I heard that Eric Nam is your fiancee. Is that true?"

Taehyung tensed up but than slowly nodded. He could see Jungkook's hand playing with his fingers froze. Taehyung quickly took his hands in his own, "Listen to me first, okay?" He was relieved when Jungkook nodded. 

Taehyung wasted no time and started, "Actually, it was against my will. I didn't wanted to get engaged with him. But he threatened Namjoon hyung's life and in order to make sure they are safe I had to get engaged with him. And at that time, I had no reason to decline. You were out of my life and I knew that you are never going to come back." Jungkook squeezed his hand reassuringly and he smiled a little, "But who knew, that you would come back and I would get a reason to fight for. So I did. I am free from him now. We assassinated him today. He is dead and I am free. I never loved him Kookie, in my whole life the only person I've ever loved is you."

Jungkook quickly pulled him in a hug and mumbled, "I am sorry baby. I shouldn't have suspected you." Taehyung patted his back assuringly that it's alright. "You only did that cause you love me. Don't worry. I am not angry. You traveled here all the way to me and I am nothing but happy. So, thank you."

Jungkook pulled back and cupped his cheeks, "I am sorry." Taehyung shake his hand, placing his hands on top of Jungkook's. "Don't apologize. It's okay."

Jungkook still seemed pretty upset, so he decided to lighten up his mood. "Hey, but now that you are here, let's enjoy our time here. Okay?" To his relief, Jungkook smiled a little and nodded.

"Tired?" Taehyung asked, seeing the other's eyes getting a bit heavy. Jungkook nodded and Taehyung moved back, leaning his back against the headboard. He crossed his legs and placed a pillow on his lap and patted. "Come."

Jungkook pecked his lips and placed his head on the pillow. Taehyung put his hands in Jungkook's hair and started slowly running his hand through them, soothingly. Jungkook seemed to like the gesture a lot because when Taehyung pulled back his hand for a second, he immediately started searching for his hand with eyes closed and when he grabbed his hand, he immediately put it back in his hair. He was clearly in deep sleep. Taehyung giggled at him and again started running his hand through his hair.

He loved being like this with Jungkook.


Jimin loudly laughed when Yoongi picked him in bridal style and they fell into the pool. He reached the surface and wiped his eyes looking for the person who did that. He felt a tug at his feet and suddenly he was pulled back underwater.

He found the person who had pulled him underwater was none other than his childish husband. Yoongi was behaving so odd today. He was usually a more lazy and cold type of person but today he was being extremely childish and happy.

They reached the surface and got back on the beach, laying on the sand.

"How come you are so different today, huh?" Jimin looked at his husband, plopping his chin in his hand. Yoongi tried to look offended, "You mean I don't love you everyday and smile at you."

Jimin smiled and shake his head, "That you do a lot. But today you are being childish." Yoongi sighed while turning to him, "We will go back tomorrow, so I wanna enjoy with you our last day. After all I only have one husband, who is so cute and beautiful."

Jimin playfully rolled his eyes, "Stop with the cheesy shit. It doesn't suit you."

"I am missing Tae so much." Jimin pouted and looked at Yoongi, "Don't you miss Jungkook?" Yoongi scoffed and answered, "Who would miss that asshole? My days are way better without him. I don't have to deal with his whining for missing Taehyung or why Taehyung is so beautiful."

Yoongi continued, "Like, you know, he would knock on my door at midnight and whine over how much he wanted to hold Taehyung while sleeping, that he saw him in dream tonight or that Taehyung was taking to a boy today." He snickered.

"He becomes jealous of every single person Taehyung talks to because after taking to Taehyung once everyone start liking him and are attracted to him." Yoongi complained while Jimin listened with a smile.

Trusting Jungkook wasn't the worst decision ever.


Thanks for reading!


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