Chapter- 76

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The two cars entered the mansion's large gates and came to a halt in front of the entrance.

Jungkook got out first and held the door for Taehyung. Taehyung smiled and got out.

Jin, Yoongi and Jisoo also got out of their cars.

Taehyung's phone started ringing and he told others, "You guys go in first. I'll take this."

Yoongi nodded and escorted Jisoo in. He was extremely polite towards this young lady who was younger than him but was a very famous lawyer of the country.

Jin and Yugyeom also followed them.

Jungkook smiled, "I'll wait for you."

Taehyung smiled and was about to pick up when out of nowhere a black Bentley entered the gates and stopped a short distance away from them.

Jungkook frowned, "From what I remember, no one from our families drive a Bentley, right? Who could it be?"

However, he got the answer to his question soon, when a young man, tall and handsome, stepped out from the Bentley.

Displeasure flashed across Jungkook's eyes.

But Taehyung was completely opposite. His eyes lit up and his lips curled up.

He walked to the person who just came and both of them greeted each other by very slightly pecking each other's cheeks. It couldn't be considered a peck, it was just a brush of their lips. Yet, Jungkook's eyes burned with jealousy.

Taehyung slightly hugged the other and called out, "Yunyun."

It was Luo Yunxi who had came. He was looking as handsome and fresh as ever. Jungkook even saw him revealing a cute smile to Taehyung, "Tae, it's been long since I last you and you have gained weight."

He lightly pinched his cheeks and complimented, "Aiyah, look at these bread cheeks, makes me remember the time when you were kid."

Taehyung puffed his cheeks and laughed. He then took Luo Yunxi's hand and guided him to Jungkook.

Taehyung introduced them, "This is Jungkook, my..."

Luo Yunxi cut him and smiled, "Your boyfriend, I know."

Jungkook raised his brows and said nothing.

Taehyung noticed his lover's displeasure towards Luo Yunxi and frowned, "Kook, everything okay?"

Luo Yunxi answered for him, "Well, I just teased him a little."

Taehyung turned to him and asked, "Huh? What did you do?"

Luo Yunxi shrugged and lazily explained, "Well, I just challenged him to fight me for you."

Taehyung exclaimed lightly, "Tsk, Tsk!"

"Why would you do that?" He asked. Luo Yunxi was nonchalant, "I just wanted to see how much courage this boyfriend of yours have."

Jungkook was confused, "You were not serious?"

Luo  Yunxi laughed, "I was just playing with you. Taehyung is just a friend to me."

Taehyung shook his head and scolded Luo Yunxi.

"Yes, he is actually a childhood friend. You know my mom was a Chinese, right? When I was small, we lived in China, but after my mother's death, we moved to South Korea." Taehyung explained.

He continued, "His mother and my mother were really close friends and thus we also became close friends. However, after we came to Daegu, we lost contact. I met him again last year, when I was living with the Park family. Coincidentally, Seojoon was his best friend and he saw me when he came to meet him one day."

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