Chapter- 51

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The next day when Taehyung reached the dining table Seojoon was already there. He was eating his breakfast as usual, nothing changed except there were some papers on the table. Taehyung picked them up to read. After reading them once he slapped them on the table and asked, "What's the meaning of this?"

Seojoon wiped his mouth and said, "Last night because I help you, you told me that you'd do anything I say. So sign this."

Taehyung asked, "When did I say that? I never did." Seojoon glanced at him, "You did. You just don't remember."

Taehyung tried to remember and his face changed color when he realized that he did said something like that. He said, "I can do anything else but not this."

On the papers was an agreement that Taehyung wouldn't go dating random boys and go to clubs and bars at night.

Seojoon said, "You have no choice."

Taehyung knew that he can't win the argument with him so he decided the most easiest thing that he do everytime whenever there is an argument going on. He ran away and Seojoon kept shouting behind.


Taehyung entered the club where he was supposed to meet Yeosang today and looked around. He soon spotted his best friend and walked over ignoring the boys who eyed him and whistled at him. His silver hair fell on his forehead and slightly covered his charcoal black eyes. His movements and beauty so magnificent that many even had nosebleeds. An earring dangling down his ear adding more charm to the beauty. The silk that covered his skin made him look even more tempting.

 The silk that covered his skin made him look even more tempting

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Yeosang noticed him and smiled while passing him a drink. Taehyung took a sip and asked, "Where's the hot dude you were talking about?"

Yeosang chuckled, "Eager much?"

Taehyung smirked, "Nope. Just wanna have fun after the breakup." Yeosang sipped his drink and asked, "How many do you have left now?"

Taehyung lazily replied, "You would be surprised but I am single now."

And poor Yeosang badly choked on his drink. He coughed while Taehyung just rolled his eyes at his reaction and ignored him. Yeosang asked while wiping himself with a tissue, "Wait, did I hear wrong? Or you really said that you are single now?"

Taehyung glanced at him and said, "I am single, you didn't hear it wrong." Yeosang laughed loudly and asked, "I really can't believe that the legendary Park Sam is single!" Taehyung asked again impatiently, "Cut the crap. Tell me about the hot dude you were talking about on the phone."

"Ah yeah!" Yeosang pointed in a certain direction and said, "See! That's some real hotness bro!" Taehyung shamelessly checked out the unknown man and said, "Yes bro! And that's gonna be mine."

He passed his glass to Yeosang and started walking towards the man. He fixed his hair while walking and opened first two buttons of his shirt. He called in a soft yet sexy voice, "Excuse me?"

The person who was before eyeing a boy dancing on the dance floor now had his eyes fixed to Taehyung now. He eyed Taehyung up and down and didn't hide the thirsty look in his eyes at all. He grinned and asked, "Yes?"

Taehyung leaned in and wrapped his arms around the person's neck, he asked, "Name?" The person chuckled, his deep voice filling Taehyung's ears like honey. He wrapped his hands around Taehyung's waist and pulled him closer. He whispered in his ear, "Caesar Wu."

Taehyung giggled and leaned back. He connected their foreheads and softly said, "Park Sam." Then without saying anything else he pulled him up to the dance floor. Caesar smirked and pinched his waist, while placing his hands on Taehyung's hips. 

Meanwhile, outside the same bar or to be specific gay bar stopped a dashing Ferrari out of which came out a handsome man. His arms were covered with tattoos and earrings adored his ears. The face had a deadly charm which no one can say no to. It was none other than Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at the gay bar with furious eyes

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Jungkook looked at the gay bar with furious eyes. He was here following Taehyung and he is more than angry because he knows too well what happens at places like these. He fixed his collar and was about to walk when a black Range Rover came to halt beside him. Out of the dazzling car came an even more dazzling owner. The eyes so deep that they could swallow a whole person. The handsomeness of the person was no joke. Who could it be if not Park Seojoon?

Seojoon jumped out of the car and fixed his tie while looking at the entrance of the gay bar while he thought inside his head, 'Just you wait Park Sam! You are dead today if I find you here with a jerk!'

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Seojoon jumped out of the car and fixed his tie while looking at the entrance of the gay bar while he thought inside his head, 'Just you wait Park Sam! You are dead today if I find you here with a jerk!'

He had not yet taken a step when he heard, "Hello Mr. Park!" It was none other than Jungkook. He widened his eyes and looked around to see Jungkook walking to him while smiling.

Jungkook, trying to make a good impression on him asked politely, "It is so nice to see you." However when he looked around and saw where they were standing, maybe it was not right to say this here. Seojoon also awkwardly laughed and called, "Me too, Mr. Jeon."

Jungkook started, "So what brought you here?" This question was also very stupid. Seojoon was a married man, why would he be here at night in front of a gay bar? Jungkook found his question to be really weird and tried to cover it up, "Let's go in together." Seojoon also nodded and walked in with him.

Both of them didn't know that they were here for the same person.


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