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"Hyung we are getting late! What's taking you so long? Get your ass out right now!" Jungkook said banging at Yoongi's door for the 20th time in last half hour.

And finally the door opened revealing Yoongi looking utterly handsome. He was neatly dressed and looking more handsome than Agust D himself.

 He was neatly dressed and looking more handsome than Agust D himself

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Jungkook eyed him up and down and rose an eyebrow. " Who are you dressing for?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and said " Of course my boyfriend!"

"Oh yes! I forgot that the shorty would be also there" Jungkook said. Yoongi smacked his head and glared at him with a look that say 'I dare you say anything else' . Jungkook immediately shut up and run towards his car.


"Looking beautiful as ever, babe!" Taehyung said looking at Lisa who smiled at him.

"Says you! Look at yourself, handsome." Lisa said pinching his cheeks.

"Thank you Liz but where is that midget? We are getting late and Minho will practically kill me!" Taehyung said.

"Missed me! I am here!" A voice said coming from behind and they turned to see Jimin looking so sexy and cute at same time. His blonde hair making him look like an angel.

 His blonde hair making him look like an angel

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Taehyung eyed him amusedly and grinned. "You are going to kill Yoongi hyung today!" Taehyung exclaimed and Jimin grinned at him and hugged him. 

"Look at yourself though! My soulmate is looking stunning and I am proud of you!" Jimin said.

"I am also here!" Lisa pouted.

Jimin laughed and said " Come on Lizzy you don't need compliments! Compliments need you!"

Taehyung looked at his wrist watch and quickly grabbed their arms and dragged them to the car. " We don't have time for your bullshit! Get in, Minho is going to kill me"

They arrived at the venue Lisa linked her arm with Taehyung's who did the same and smiled at her. And Jimin walking alone while looking for his Prince Charming. When they entered whole attention was on them. They don't mind though. They were used to it.

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