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Jungkook's mansion was in complete chaos next morning.

Jimin was trying to put some makeup on Yoongi's face and Yoongi was running away from him with Jimin chasing after him. They were running through the whole house like kids.

Jin was personally supervising the chef who was cooking authentic Chinese cuisine for today's banquet and shouting over people to bring this or that ingredient.

Namjoon had knocked into a worker carrying a bowl of soup while he was talking to someone on his phone and now he was getting yelled at by none other than Jin for being the 'King 9f destruction' he is.

"NAMJOON I AM WARNING YOU! PUT THAT PHONE OF YOUR ASIDE OR ITS NOT GONNA END GOOD!" Jin shouted and Namjoon was so scared that he had dropped his mobile phone to the ground.

Jin held a running Yoongi and Jimin from their collars and threw them into their room. He then slammed the door shut and locked it.

Yoongi's loud whines and screams could be heard from inside. Looks like Jimin has finally got his hands on Yoongi.

Jin shouted through the door, "Do whatever you want with him but don't make noise!" There were no screams of Yoongi heard after that.

Jimin smiled evilly, "I have got that." He said as he stuffed a piece of cloth in Yoongi's mouth. Yoongi has never been so helpless in his whole life. So he silently laid back and accepted his destiny.

Meanwhile outside, Jin turned towards the chef and clicked his tongue, "WHAT ARE YOU PUTTING SO MUCH CHILLIES IN THAT FOR? Didn't I tell you that my Tae baby doesn't like it too spicy!" The poor chef was scared shitless and immediately dropped the bowl of chillies aside.

Hoseok was attending a meeting on conference call along with Yeonjun. Hoseok was shouting at his assistant over something when he felt a chill run down his spine.

Jin came over and said in a chilling tone, "If you wouldn't put that laptop and work aside for today, believe me you are gonna regret it very badly."

Both of them froze and gulped. Hoseok slammed his laptop shut and bowed to Jin.

Lisa was holding two different kinds of robes in her hand and asking everyone which one she should wear.

Jin said, "And Lisa, you look good in everything, damn it! Just wear that blue one, alright? Or is there any problem?" Lisa swallowed and ran towards her room shaking her head and yelling "No, nothing!."

Poor Yugyeom was being tortured by none other than Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook has waken him up at 4 in the morning and has been trying different kinds of robes and asking him how is he looking.

Jin held his collar and glared at him, "What are you still sitting here for? Get ready in exact half hour and meet me right here! Or else..." He didn't need to say anything because Yugyeom was already in his room getting ready.

Jungkook came out wearing another set of robes and asked, "Yug, how am I looking?"

However when he looked up, he was met with the most scary sight he has ever seen in his whole life. Jin was cracking his knuckles and his face was full of black lines.

Jin said in such a calm tone that it was frightening, "Change that one more time and you will regret it Jeon Jungkook. Now if you are ready, come with me and help me."

Jungkook gulped and quietly walked after Jin without uttering a single word.

Namjoon mumbled, "He is scary."

Yoongi, who was getting his face ruined by Jimin inside mumbled as if he and Namjoon had telepathy or some shit, "No shit, Sherlock!"


Seojoon entered Taehyung's room and saw him standing on top of the bed.

"Why are you standing there?" He asked.

"It's my room! I live here! I can stand anywhere I want. Everything here is mine." Taehyung rambled on.

Seojoon calmly sighed, "Where's the spider?"

Taehyung bawled his eyes out and cried, "Under the bed, please get it for me!"

Seojoon sighed shaking his head and looked away to hid his smile. Taehyung's literally one of the best things that ever happened to him but he was never going to say that out loud.

After the spider was out, he turned to Taehyung, "Oh yeah, I came here to tell you to get ready. We are leaving in one hour." Seojoon said.

Taehyung jumped down from the bed and screamed, "And you are telling me this now?! I at least need half day to get ready! How am I supposed to get ready in such a short amount of time?"

Seojoon rolled his eyes, "That's your problem." He left after saying that.

"Holy shit! God damn you, you bloody businessman! Oh please for the love of god!!" He pulled his hair, frustrated.

His suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number, "Yeah, that's me."

"Is it really the great Park Sam calling?"

"Stop it you dickhead and please come here in the least time possible."

The person hummed, "You are lucky that I was just passing by your house." But Taehyung know that he was not.

After just 5 minutes, the room of his door was thrown open and someone has hugged him from behind. Knowing who it is, he hugged the person's arms and smiled a rare smile.

"Why are you panting so hard if you were near?" Taehyung laughed and turned around.

A deep voice said while gasping for breathe, "Oh believe me, I was." He was not. He had literally just turned around his car and nearly crashed into more than ten cars getting here at the full speed, breaking every goddamn traffic rule.

"Okay so tell me why I am here?" The person asked.

Taehyung pouted as he hugged him, "Can I just miss you, YunYun?"

YunYun, whose full name was Luo Yunxi smiled hearing the name and said, "But that's not the thing here, right?"

Taehyung back off and said, "So, you got me. I need you to dress me up."

Yunxi's eyes glowed hearing that and even before Taehyung could say anything, he was picked up and carried towards the mirror.

Yunxi placed him down gently and told him to close his eyes. Taehyung did as he was told to do and he really can't believe that it was him sitting there when he opened his eyes.

His had changed into his robes and he couldn't close his mouth, "Wow..."

Yunxi hugged him from behind and nuzzled in his neck, "I know right."

"You are so gonna kill everyone today, my love." Yunxi said while smiling widely.

"And you are gonna come with me." Taehyung said.

Yunxi said while narrowing his eyes, "Did you expected that I would leave you alone looking like that? No way."


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I hope you liked it.


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