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Yoongi and Jungkook were having breakfast. Jungkook was smiling like a idiot while thinking about his yesterday's encounter with Taehyung. Yoongi was minding his own business and peacefully eating when he made the mistake to look at the younger and he choked on his pancake.

Jungkook came out of his thoughts after hearing Yoongi coughing wildly and he quickly gave him a glass of water and started patting his back softly and asked "Are you okay hyung?"

After hearing him, Yoongi who calmed downed a bit choked on the water again. After what seemed like an eternity he finally calmed down.

"Are you okay now?" Jungkook asked him.

"Please stop before I die because of choking on things!" Yoongi replied.

"Stop what? What did I do?" Jungkook asked confused.

"Why the hell were you smiling before?" Yoongi questioned.

"Seriously hyung? You choked because of me smiling?" Jungkook asked with disbelief.

"Do you think that smiling for no reason is okay for you? A cold person who didn't even smile at jokes is smiling for no reason after fucking 2 years! Seriously Kook I never saw you smiling from last 2 years. Are you okay? I think we should go to doctor!" Yoongi said getting up only to be pulled down again by the younger.

"Give me a chance to speak, will you?" Jungkook said softly.

Yoongi was already ready to have a heart attack because of the tone of his voice nodded his head because he has never seen the younger speaking so softly.

"I never smiled in the last two years because the reason of my happiness was not with me but now he is here!" Jungkook exclaimed smiling widely.

"Who?" The older asked.


Jungkook answered and to say that Yoongi was shocked because of the fondness in his voice while he said the name would be an understatement.

"Did he forgive you?" He questioned.

"Not yet but I will do my best to earn his forgiveness." The younger said determined.

Yoongi smiled at his brother and nodded his head. He already knew that the younger love Taehyung and is extremely guilty for his past actions and he will never hurt him again. But Yoongi want him to realize his feelings completely so he made Taehyung stay away from him. He wanted to see for how long Jungkook could wait for him. And much to his surprise the younger never gave up in the last 2 years.

Yoongi knows that this is the time that they realize each other's feelings and end their sufferings but Jungkook had to earn it. And he is extremely excited to see his younger brother try. Though he knows that Taehyung still loves him. So it wouldn't be that difficult for the younger to earn his forgiveness but he will make sure that Taehyung wouldn't be careless like last time. He would knock some sense in the blond boy.

"Are you going for the meeting with Kim Namjoon?" Yoongi questioned the younger.

"Yes, I am. And I have to make a good impression on him. After all he is my brother-in-law." He exclaimed smiling.

"Not yet! Don't embarrass me, he is my best friend. Maintain your professionalism there. Because I am not going with you." Yoongi said while rolling his eyes.

"Have some faith in me." The younger whined. And Yoongi scoffed.

"Tell me how am I looking?" Jungkook asked.

"You look good! Don't worry." Yoongi assured his nervous brother.

" Yoongi assured his nervous brother

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