Chapter- 62

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The room was instantly taken in an uproar by everyone.

"How can you say that Mrs. Park?"

Jin's voice echoed in the room.

"You know how much he means to us!"

Jimin said, his voice soft.

"You can't do that to us!"

It was Yoongi's voice, that held desperation.

"We are his family!"

Namjoon said, staring into Aish's blue orbs. Aish sighed and said, "Calm down, you guys! Let me finish,"

Even though everyone wanted to say more, they kept their moths shut.

Aish slowly walked towards Jin and said, "Mr. Kim, don't jump to conclusions, let me finish first. I don't say anything without thinking."

She then turned to Jimin's direction and said, "And yes, I do know how much he means to you. But you don't know how much he means to me,"

She glanced at Yoongi and said, "I am not doing anything to you, listen to me first,"

And then finally walking to Namjoon, she said, "We are his family too, Mr. Kim! He means so much to us."

Aish said, "What I meant by saying that I can't allow you to take him was, you can't take him like this."

She continued, "I know you are his family and you have missed him in the past two years, but think logically. How would he feel suddenly living with a bunch of strangers?"

She was right, so no one could disagree with her. Aish said, "He is recovering well, and he could have regained his memories in a year but now that you guys are here, there's a high chance that he can regain them sooner."

Jungkook and Jimin's face lit up hearing her.

"Really?" Namjoon asked. "Yes, Mr.  Kim," Aish said.

"Now, I would like to invite you guys for dinner at our residence. Since you guys are our Sammy's family, you are our family too. So we would love to have you over for dinner and it's a great opportunity for you guys to spend some time with Sammy," Aish said.

Everyone thought over what she said and they couldn't help but nod their heads.

"Absolutely!" Jimin said, smiling widely in Aish's direction.

"Now, I don't have much time left. I have to go, it's almost time for Sammy's medications and he wouldn't take his medicines without me and Seojoon-ah." She said and Seojoon also nodded, already moving towards the exit and out of the room.

Aish followed behind him. When she was at the door, she turned around and smiled, "I hope you guys would be there tomorrow and please--wear something comfortable and warm. Sammy hate those tight fitting suits." And just like that, she was gone.

Jin slumped on the chair as he rubbed his temples.

"I hope everything goes well tomorrow," Jin said. Namjoon massaged his shoulders and said, "Don't worry."


"Yoongi, what are you doing, stop playing with that gun and come here!" Jin shouts as he looked around and rubbed his temples, exhaustedly.

Yoongi was loading his gun and putting it under his baggy sweater. When he heard Jin's shout, he dropped the gun on the floor.

Jin came over and picked up the gun, unloading it.

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