Chapter- 85

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"Yes, put it there."

Jimin, with a notepad in his hand examined the decorations and ordered the workers.

He was standing in a high end apartment, on the top floor of the building right now. It was Taehyung and Jungkook's apartment.

The front door of the apartment opened and a man with a blank face entered. However, when he saw Jimin, a smile made it's way on his face.

Yoongi gave Jimin a peck on his cheek and asked, "Are you done with the decorations?"

Jimin smiled, "Yeah, I just got done."

He turned to the workers and said, "Everyone, thank you for your hardwork. Your payment will be transferred to your accounts tomorrow."

He plopped on the couch and sighed, "It was so tiring."

Yoongi poured some water in a glass and passed it to him. Jimin took it and thanked him.

"You volunteered yourself to do this." Yoongi pinched his cheek.

Jimin slapped his hand away and said, "It's my best friend's third marriage anniversary after all."

Three years have already passed since Taehyung and Jungkook's marriage.

The door opened and two men with their arms linked walked in. It was Namjoon and Jin.

Jin took a look around and praised, "Wow, Jimin you did a really good job."

Jimin smiled, "Thanks, hyung."

Namjoon asked, "Where are Jungkook and Taehyung? It's their house and they are not visible."

Jimin pointed to the closed door of Taehyung and Jungkook's room and said, "They are getting ready in their room."

"And the others?" Jin asked.

They were gathered here to celebrate Jungkook and Taehyung's wedding anniversary. They had decided to hold a small celebration with only family and close friends.

Only Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin had arrived yet.

Yoongi answered, "We are actually early. Others would be here in some time."

The four of them decided to sit and wait for the others.

So, many of you might be curious about how Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook's married life was going?

The answer to this question, as answered by Yoongi was, "Well, in the first year of their marriage, they were always all over each other and sweet. But in the second year, they started fighting and they fought quite a lot."

Jimin said, "But in the end it would always be Jungkook who would apologize. It was very funny to see him on his knees and begging Taehyung."

Jin also joined in the conversation, "But in the third year of their marriage, they adopted kids. And their fights stopped after having kids by a lot. It doesn't mean they don't fight now, but it has reduced by a lot."

Namjoon remembered something and laughed.

Jin asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Namjoon said, "I suddenly remembered how Taehyung was dead set on adopting seven kids."

Hearing him, Jin and Yoongi also chuckled.

Jimin pouted, "What was wrong with that? He loves kids just too much, all of us know that."

Jin said, "Poor Jungkook was so scared hearing that Taehyung wanted to adopt so many kids. He almost fainted hearing him."

Yoongi shakes his head with a helpless smile, "And then it took all of us so many days to convince Taehyung to not adopt so many kids. In the end, he settled on three."

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