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Jungkook and Seojoon had both entered with smiling faces. However their smiles were frozen when their eyes fell on the dance stage and they could easily see Taehyung moving his hips and dancing while an another man had his hands on his hips, controlling them. They were able to see this instantly when they entered because they were the only one on the stage, in the center with the spotlight on them while the crowd was standing aside, cheering.

Jungkook clenched his jaw while Seojoon didn't even waited for anything and directly started walking towards them with large strides. 

On the other hand, Yugyeom also entered the bar at this time. You must have noticed that where there is Jungkook, there is Yugyeom. So how can our Jungkook come alone this time? It is well known in the business and mafia circle that Yugyeom and Jungkook always appears together. 

Today also Yugyeom was coming with Jungkook but got a bit late. When he entered in, he found Jungkook and walked over to him. That was probably the worst decision he ever made. Because when he reached him, Jungkook grabbed his hand with so much force that his face turned white from the pain.

And the flames of jealously were about to burn him when he used all of his strength and finally managed to slip away his hand from Jungkook's grip. Without wasting a single second, he ran over to a safe distance and took deep breathes. He will never stand around a jealous Jungkook again, never in this life.

Seojoon grabbed Taehyung's arm and darkly said, "Hello, little brother."

Taehyung, who was enjoying himself a moment ago, gulped hearing the voice. He shakily turned around and asked, "Oh big brother, what are you doing here? I never expected to see you at this kind of place." Seojoon tilted his head and glared at him. Why else would he be here if not for him? 

Taehyung chcuckled nervously and looked everywhere else but his eyes. Seojoon was going to speak something when someone had pulled him back. Taehyung widely smiled looking at his savior and sighed in relief.

It was none other than Park Hyungsik who had came to save Taehyung at this crucial moment. This is like a daily routine for the Park brothers now. Taehyung coming to the bar and then Seojoon also coming there to take him back and at last Hyungsik's entry like an angle in Taehyung's eyes.

Hyungsik has always saved him from Seojoon. He blew a kiss towards Hyungsik and turned back to Caesar, who was confused that what is happening here.

So like this, Seojoon was dragged out from there by Hyungsik. Just when they had gone, two other familiar faces entered. They were Yoongi and Jimin. 

Yugyeom, who was standing afar, saw them and skipped over to them.

Jimin noticed him and smiled, "Hey Yugyeom!"

Yugyeom asked, confused, "What are you two doing here?"

Yoongi answered him, "What you two are doing here." He continued, "Where is Jungkook?" Yugyeom pursed his lips and pointed toward the direction where Jungkook was. Yoongi and Jimin went towards Jungkook while Yugyeom ent over to where he was standing before, far away from Jungkook.

Jimin patted Jungkook's shoulder and called, "Jungkook?"

Jungkook frowned and turned around, "Yoongi hyung and Jimin? What are you two doing here?"

Jimin answered, smiling, "We are also here to see Tae." Jungkook's jaw clenched at the mention of Taehyung's name. Yoongi noticed that something was wrong and asked, "What happened?"

Jungkook said through gritted teeth, "Why don't you see yourself?" He pointed towards the stage. Jimin and Yoongi looked over to the stage. Before Yoongi could even say something, Jimin clapped and cheered, 

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