Chapter 30

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Taehyung looked at Jimin in astonishment with wide eyes and open mouth. His eyes brightened with happiness looking at his Best Friend in the Wedding suit. He quickly moved forward and crushed Jimin in a big hug kissing his cheek. Jimin did the same to him. Lisa who was standing there getting completely ingnored cleared her throat to gain some attention. She was looking very beautiful. She gave off a classy and elegant gave with her look. And short hair with black dress suits her the most. Jimin and Taehyung both thought: "If I wasn't gay I would really propose her right at this moment."

They moved their attention to her and hugged her

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They moved their attention to her and hugged her. Afterwards complementing each other. Today is finally the day of Wedding Ceremony. Yoongi, Jimin, Jin, Taehyung and Lisa had arrived in Paris two days ago. Namjoon, Yeonjun,, Yugyeom, Hoseok and Jungkook arrived yesterday but they haven't seen each other yet.

Jimin was really nervous and Taehyung and Lisa were comforting him from 2 hours. When they were all chatting, the door was suddenly pushed open. Lisa and Taehyung blocked Jimin completely thinking it was Yoongi. But in walked Hoseok and Jin. Taehyung and Lisa stepped aside and made way for them.

"Oh my god! My baby Mochi is looking so cute. When did you grow up so much? Today you are going to leave us." Jin gasped and fake cried while Hoseok used a handkerchief to wipe his own imaginary tears. Their actions really didn't matched their attires. Two tall and handsome men in suits fooling around like this. Taehyung shook his head while smiling at his silly and sweet family.

 Taehyung shook his head while smiling at his silly and sweet family

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"Hobi Hyung, you are looking so handsome. My eyes will be blinded by this degree of beauty." Lisa awed and tried to cover her eyes using her hands while complimenting Hoseok.

"Hey young lady, what about me?" Seokjin standing next to him crossed his arms and posed for her.

"Hey young lady, what about me?" Seokjin standing next to him crossed his arms and posed for her

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"Come on! do you really need my compliments, Mr. Worldwide Handsome?" Lisa chuckled and Jin proudly smiled while blowing her a kiss.

"What are you two doing here?" Taehyung asked while rubbing Jimin's hands trying to ease him. "We got nothing better to do. Wait a minute." Hoseok said while picking up his phone. Than he walked outside talking about some business affairs.

Taehyung shook his head at him and complained "Today also talking about work. He never rests." Lisa and Jin agreed.

"Where is Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung?" Taehyung asked while passing Jimin a glass of water. "That old man is talking with some of his guests outside." Jin rolled his eyes and plopped on the couch. 

Lisa chuckled and teased him, "Did he not complimented you today,huh?"


Jungkook was standing next to Yoongi who was waiting for Jimin to walk down the aisle. He along with Yugyeom is his Best Man for today's ceremony. Taehyung was standing parallel to Yoongi with Lisa, Hoseok and Yeonjun. The priest was between both parties with a warm smile on his face. 

Jungkook bent a bit backward and stared at Taehyung, who also stared at hima nd gave him a beautiful boxy smile. Jungkook completely unaware of this attack lose his balance. If not for Yugyeom supporting him, he would have kissed the floor. Taehyung softly laughed and again smiled at him while shaking his head.

Yoongi kept his head up, biting his lips and foot tapping the wooden floor. Jungkook calmly rubbed his back and smiled seeing his usually calm and collected brother being so anxious for once in life. Just than the door opened and there came Jimin. His arm hooked with his father's.

Jimin had a bouquet in hand. He was only looking down while the guests softly encouraged him and soft melody played on the piano. Yoongi swear his breathe was knocked out.

Jimin also looked up and his eyes locked with Yoongi's who smiled lovingly at him

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Jimin also looked up and his eyes locked with Yoongi's who smiled lovingly at him. When they arrived down the aisle, Yoongi was already holding out his hand for him.

 When they arrived down the aisle, Yoongi was already holding out his hand for him

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The priest than began his duties. Vows and rings were exchanged. After the priest announced the kiss, Jungkook's line of sight greadually fell onto Taehyung. He wondered when will his time come. He still hasn't got a chance to talk to Taehyung. So he is very eager to end all this, than pick him up and kidnap him.

The Wedding Ceremony finally ended.


Taehyung just came out of the bathroom after having a shower. His hair were still wet and water was dripping from them. He plopped on his bed and sighed after a tiring day. Just when he was about to pick up his earphones the door knocked. He frowned thinking who could it be?

Namjoon and Jin had returned to South Korea after the Wedding. And of course our working machine Hoseok is gone for some meetings. Yeonjun was dragged along with him and Lisa went for a long drive with Jennie, Jisoo and Rose. But he forgot out a certain someone.

Just when he opened the door, he was picked up by the waist, the door was locked and he was pressed againt the door. He wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist and put his arms around his neck. Jungkook rubbed the tip of his nose and tightly hugged him.After hugging him close for several minutes he carried him to the bed and laid him down while getting on top of him.

"Looked like you didn't missed me at all!" He complained while embracing him in his arms and stroking his hair. He grabbed the blonde locks in his fingers and sniffed them. Still smell like strawberries. He smiled and kissed Taehyung's forehead.

"Oh believe me, you don't even know how much I missed you." Taehyung put his arms around the other's shoulder, leaned him in and connected their lips.


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