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For them, the world was still. They could only feel each other's heartbeat, hugging each other tightly. Very close. Jungkook's hold on Taehyung was very tight. Taehyung was having problem breathing but made no effort to break free, only hugging Jungkook tighter. However they were finally break free by loud hooting and cheering.

Taehyung slowly breaks the hug and looked in the surrounding to see Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Yugyeom loudly clapping and cheering with bright smiles on their faces. However the smile on his face has faded because he didn't saw the person whom he wants to see the most. Jimin.

He looks around and saw Jimin standing in the corner with a blank look on his face. He is very afraid of his reaction but he knows that he only wants his happiness. As long he is happy, Jimin is also happy.

He walks toward him and Jimin's eyes soften a bit seeing his bright smile. Taehyung runs forward enveloping him in a bone crushing hug. Jimin smiles a bit and hug back while looking at Jungkook who was smiling softly looking at them.

"Tae, I wanna talk to Jungkook alone for a moment." Jimin gently pulls back and assures Taehyung. Taehyung was not sure but nodded his head. He knows that Jimin only wants to talk and Jungkook will come back in one piece.


"I think you already have a idea about what I wanted to talk to you. Right?" Jimin starts and Jungkook nods.

"I don't like to run in circles so I will make myself clear." Jimin says and intently looks at the Mafia Boss sitting in front of him.

"After what I have seen from 2 years ago, I don't have even 1% trust in you. But Taehyung still loves you very much. If you ever hurt him Jeon Jungkook, you will receive tenfolds more by one and only me. Taehyung appears very strong from outside but when it comes to emotions and feelings, he is a very soft person. He was my only source of light and happiness when I was first adopted by his uncle." Jimin said.

"My father was his uncle. My real parents dies in a car crash. My whole life was crushed and there was nothing left--but then he came. Like a bright ray of sun which can light up the whole world and he became my source of living. He was so pure, and the time I first saw him I promised myself that I will always protect him." Hhe continued and Jungkook completely agrees to him. Taehyung is a bright ray of light which has lighten up his whole world.

"I want you to promise me that you will cherish him forever and would never hurt him." Jimin says and Jungkook says without any hesitance "I will cherish him, love him, respect him, trust him forever and ever....and ever!" Finally a smile bloomed on Jimin's stone cold face when he sees that love on Jungkook's eyes and the honesty in his tone.


"What do you think of him?" Namjoon asked while wiping his husband's lips with the tissue paper.

"I think that he will keep our Taehyung happy because his love for our baby is true. And moreover Taehyung also loves him, so there is nothing to be worried about." Jin says taking Namjoon's hands in his own.

"How can you be so sure that his love for Taehyung is true?" Namjoon asks to which Jin softly chuckled and placed a hand on his cheek.

"Because he looks at Taehyung the way you look at me." Jin answered to which Namjoon has now nothing left to worry. He pecked his husband's lips while carrying him to their bedroom. 

Taehyung felt as if a heavy burden has been lifted off his chest. He could finally breathe properly. He was originally scared about his Hyung's reaction but he i smore than happy to know that they approve his relationship with Jungkook because Jungkook has once kidnapped Seokjin. But he knows that Jungkook treated him rather well though not knowing that Seokjin is Taehyung's brother. Seokjin has told him that Jungkook has not tortured him at all. Taehyung was really thankful to god.

Even Jimin is okay with Jungkook and his relationship now. He doesn't know what made him change his mind but he is happy as long as he approve anything is fine. Jimin has not given him any spare time these days dragging him along wherever he goes for Wedding preparations. Taehyung as his Soulmate a.k.a Best Friend joyously joined him everywhere but he was missing a certain Mafia Boss who was no better than him.

Jungkook read through the files, picked up the pen, signed them and throw them directly as Yugyeom's face who was casually playing game on his phone. When he was met was a file smacked on his face, he jumped up and the phone fell to the floor making a 'thud' sound.

Yugyeom who has just passed the Candy Crush level at which he has been stuck up at from at least 7 months: "......"

Whom had he offended to receive this kind of treatment. He looked up and complained to God rather loudly. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU?? DID YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER FELL FOR ME, HUH??!! AND NOW YOU ARE AVENGING ME??

Poor God who was drinking wine sitting in his magnificent palace choked on his wine after hearing such loud and narcissistic remarks. 

After finishing his complaint Yugyeom turned to Jungkook, picked up a slipper and tossed it at him. However Jungkook's defense techniques were very good and he not only dodged it but tossed it back right at Yugyeom who got hit right at his face.

Yugyeom after getting smacked twice: "......"  

He couldn't take it anymore and finally decided to give up.

Jungkook was lying on the couch pouting while thinking about his lover whom he hasn't seen since the day they confessed. Finally he would be able to see him the day after tomorrow at Yoongi and Jimin's  wedding ceremony which would take place in Paris.

Oh yeah, Paris! He still have to go and pack. He casually stood up brushed past Yugyeom who was inspecting his phone  giving him a smack at butt.

Yugyeom getting smacked thrice by the same person: "......"



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Hey guys!!

Is here anyone who likes to read Chinese BL Novels?? I am super addicted to them and this is one of my favorite couple. 

Can anyone guess who are they and from which Novel???

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