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It has been two years and everyone's lives have changed.

Jeon Jungkook, as people call him, a ruthless mafia boss. He has a very cold personality, doesn't talk to much people besides his best friend Yugyeom and older brother Yoongi. He has been like that since 2 years ago.

Jungkook punched the person laying in the ring repeatedly, breathing fast as sweat trickled down before he was pulled back. The audience screamed 'JK', but he didn't care. He fights to release his anger or when he is missing him. It has been 2 years but the regret has only increased, along with his love. He wiped the blood on his lips, shrugged the person who pulled him and walked out without sparing any glance.

The person who was pushed, who was Yugyeom:"....."

"This asshole!" He mumbled and got up going behind the mafia boss. After all when Jungkook is angry its like a lion out of cage. You can't leave him alone otherwise only god knows what can happen.

"Kook!" He shouted, catching up with the male.

"Leave me alone, Yug." Junkook sighed but Yugyeom was still following him.

"Yoongi hyung called. Come home." Yugyeom stated, hoping the male would listen.

And for the first time he surprisingly listened. "Okay."

Yoongi was sitting on the couch with some papers in his hands when they reached home. He looked over at Jungkook, who was looking everywhere but him.

Yoongi sighed, "Kook." And Jungkook hummed, still not looking at him.

"What the fuck is that? You promised me that you would stop fighting recklessly, didn't you?" Yoongi calmly questioned while his eyes scanned through the papers held in his hand.

"I am sorry." Was what the other male said.

"You still wanna find Taehyung or not?" Yoongi tried the trump card and it worked as Jungkook immediately looked at him at the mention of the name.

"Of course I do. But you have been saying the same thing from 2 years. See! I have improved now. I am no longer the playboy. Please take me to him." Jungkook pleaded.

"We are moving to Seoul." Yoongi said and Jungkook furrowed his brows.

"Is he in Seoul? I tried finding there, but why couldn't I find him? Right Yug?" He turned to Yugyeom who nodded.

"I've searched Seoul two times. I didn't find a clue." Yugyeom pursed his lips and Yoongi chuckled.

Yoongi said, "You fools! Do you think I would let you find him that easily, huh?" He laughed and continued, "I am Jeon Yoongi bitch! You think its easy to fool me!"

Jungkook softly said, "Hyung please stop playing these games now. I can't live without him, I can't anymore. Please take me to him now."

Yoongi stood up from the couch and walked to him, "He is in Seoul."

Jungkook's eyes lit up as a bright smile made its way on his face.

"Your destiny will make you two meet, that is, if you are destined. If you two are destined little bro then believe me, not even the god could do you two apart." Yoongi smiled.

"But promise me that this time you will love him, respect him and cherish him." Yoongi's face grew serious at this.

Jungkook wasted no time in nodding his head, "I promise." 

And Yugyeom seeing his best friend's relieved face also smiled. Fucking finally.


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