Chapter- 80

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When the four of them returned to the villa, it was already evening and clouds covered the sky. There was chilly wind blowing everywhere and Taehyung was loving the weather.

"What a beautiful weather." He exclaimed when a drop of water landed on his hand.

He turned to Jungkook and said, "You know what, Kookie?"

Jungkook held his hand and smiled, "What, baby?"

Taehyung gazed into his eyes and the rain turned heavier.

There was a beautiful smile on his face when he said the next words.

"I think when true love happens, it rains."

Jungkook's breathe was taken away by his words and he held onto his lover's hand even tightly.

"It's true."

He whispered and Taehyung smiled at him.

They entered in and saw everyone from the Li family was there. They were about to start eating.

Aunt Li noticed them and smiled, "Tae, Jungkook. You are guys came back just in time. We are about to start eating. Come."

Taehyung and Jungkook smiled and walked to the dining table. Both of them didn't sit down though.

They stood in front of them hand in hand and everyone looked at them.

Taehyung raised their hands and blushed, "We are engaged."

There was an uproar as Aunt Li covered her face. Uncle Li spat out his orange juice, directly at his wife's dress.

Aunt Li didn't have time to deal with her stained dress and she didn't even scold Uncle Li who was thankful and sighed in relief.

Victor was the first one to stand up and walk to them. He just looked at Jungkook and said, "Should have done that way before."

Jungkook agreed. He had been very late. He should have done this way before. Victor suddenly hugged him and he was a bit taken aback at first.

Taehyung placed his hand on his arm and smiled. Jungkook smiled and hugged Victor back.

Li Shen nodded with a small smile, "Congratulations."

Grandpa Li didn't say anything and everyone was looking at him to say something.

Finally, after a few seconds, he rose from his seat and walked over to Jungkook. He said something in the butler's ear who left and came back holding a gold plate in his hands.

On the gold plate was a silver Koi fish Moonstone necklace.

When the other members of Li family saw it they gasped in surprise, including Taehyung

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When the other members of Li family saw it they gasped in surprise, including Taehyung.

Grandpa Li picked up the necklace and tied it around Jungkook's neck. Jungkook stood there motionless and when Grandpa Li was done, he gently touched the necklace.

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