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~16 Hours After Throwing the Crooked Man into the Witching Well~

Bigby stood in absolute shock as he heard Nerissa's words echo in his mind:

'Your not as bad as everyone says you are.'

It all came clear then, he rushed forward, moving after her as she turned the corner.

Facts were cramming themselves into his head, screaming to be heard.

1)Bigby Wolf has and never will meet the Fable named Faith.

2) Nerissa had been the one with him that night. Faith had already been dead.


3) Bigby wanted to know why!?

He turned the corner seconds after Fai-Nerissa, but the girl was gone. Bigby yelled angrily, running a callous hand through his hair.

He couldn't believe that girl, why hadn't she just...but then the thought of the ribbons came to mind and his anger thinned. She did the only thing she could, she hadn't been able to tell him so she'd shown him...but why...she didn't have to come to him as Faith, she could have showed up as Nerissa, as the person (Mermaid) she is. He would have still investigated the murders seeing as he's the Fabletown Sheriff. Sighing and popping yet another Huff n' Puff in his mouth he walked back with the intention of giving Snow TJ's present. His heart thudded painfully then, he wished he could have helped Toad and TJ...but Snow-Snow wouldn't have it, and some part of him was hurt by that fact. What would she do if he lost it and began going about in his less massive wolf form? Would she send him away too? Without even a second thought? Granted he probably wouldn't go parading around like that...

Walking to Snow's office he made his way past the long line of Fables and walked inside. Bluebeard was gone and in his place was Holly and Gren.

Bigby grinned at the three as they all looked over to him. The wolf-turned-man strided over and placed the small tresure chest-like box on Snow's desk before leaving without a word and only a wave as he left through the door.

~2 Days Later~

Bigby groaned, his stomach rumbling irritability as he finally finished signing the last damn paper of the demonic reports. He looked over Snow's own reports about the events of the last couple of weeks adding a few things before placing his signature at the bottom. 'BBW' scrawled out in a messy cursive beside Snow's neatly drawn out 'SW'. The last report had been her detailing what he'd told her of he and Bloody Mary's fight. Of course it said nothing of him changing into his true form and he was going to keep it that way. Snow could say she was his friend and she'd never leave his side, but he'd always remember the look in her eyes when he changed in that alleyway. She'd been terrified of him...and when he'd racked his dark claws across that Tweedle's throat. She would blow a fucking fuse if she knew what he'd done to kill that monster. Hell, she'd probably think he was up to his old tricks...but no, never, he would never...

Stacking all the papers he tapped them on his table to straighten them. Then he pushed out his chair and stood up before making his way out to the office.

When Bigby got there it was fairly late (or early), but he wasn't surprised to see Snow White sitting at her desk. Her lovely pale face twisted in a cross between confused and bored.

"Hey Snow, sorry to bother you--"

"Huh? Oh Bigby, no, do you have the reports?"

"Yeah." she looked up, completely mystified.

"Oh, well alright. I'll take those from you now then." Bigby nodded, handing them over with a tired smile and went to leave when there was a loud rumbling from both of their poor hungry betrayed stomachs.

Snow's cheeks burned a soft pink but Bigby simply flashed her that kind genuine smile he only wore for her.

"Dinner Ms.White?" he asked, his hand awaiting her's. There was a moment of indecision but then she smiled back.

"I'd like that, Mr.Wolf."


Ok, so this whole story is for Alexanderkn17 and it's based off of our play though of the game. We killed the Tweedle in the alley, threw the Crooked man into the well, and were as nice as humanly possible XD. All for Snow*sigh*

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