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Snow gasped as her eyes landed on the form towering down against the still body of Bigby.

"Ya shouldn't have done that wolf, Imma hellava lot bigga than ya." blood pooled underneath the downed figure of the sheriff. He wasn't moving, but Snow knew better. He'd get up and Bigby would be replaced by his true self. She'd seen it firsthand, he'd change and this Fable would perish. It was only a matter of time, and she didn't have to wait long. A minute later Bigby was moving, pushing himself off the ground while the bear-fable began to walk away.

Bigby growled low in his throat, his eyes a deep red that glowed in the early morning light that trickled into the dark alleyway. The smell of blood clung to him as he walked steadily forward, the bear none the wiser. In a flurry of shadows Bigby was replaced by his second form, but something was...different...he was still changing. His ears coming up at the top of his head only to flatten in a threatening manner, his newly formed tail swaying dangerously behind him. By the time the bear-fable turned it was too late. Bigby lunged at him from all fours, his added weight offsetting the man. The wolf bared down at him, eyes mad and jaws open wide to show shining white canines aimed at the others throat.

Just as Bigby went to take out his throat a large black bear paw seized his him by the neck. The Wolf yelped in surprise, he hadn't been expecting a fight, thinking he'd have enough time to strike and then eat his fill of the other predator. That had been stupid on his part. He'd let too many creatures trick him and he should have known this one would be no different. He was thrown off his prey, his back slamming into the brick wall before he hit the ground like a cat. He roared, his whole body rigid and waiting to see what this bear would do. He was surprised when the bear looked hungrily at the opposite side of their alley, The Wolf followed his gazed to find Snow. The Wolf grimace. It was that woman his human side was so fond of, and even he had to admit he cared about her to some degree. The bear moved as if to attack her and Wolf jumped before him, becoming Snow's shield. The bear rushed at him and he lunged forward to meet him when a sharp sickening pain stabbed him in his abdomen. A cold familiar feelings spreading through him. The bear laughed as The Wolf was replaced by the shivering naked form of Bigby Wolf.

The Bear shifted to his normal form as well as he walked over and kicked Bigby harshly in the stomach drawing a cry of pain from him and snapping Snow from her trance as she now rushed to Bigby's side.

"What did you--"

"I just gave the sheriff a lil taste of a new drug, though I ain't thinking he likes it..." right on cue Bigby reached a shaky hand to Snow, his eyes were a hazy brown and right away Snow knew something was horribly wrong. His next words only proved to further that feeling.

"M-mom...?" she'd never seen him look so sad, lost, and confused all at once, and she didn't want to see it again.

She looked up to rip the bear a new one but he was gone. Snow did the one thing she could. She smiled down at Bigby and planted a soft kiss on his forehead.

"It's fine, just close your eyes and sleep, everything is fine, everything will be alright." Bigby nodded weakly before his eyes shut and he was out.

The sound of glass crunching under someone's feet alerted Snow to Badger who was staring frightened in the mouth of the alleyway. Her eyes narrowed and she yelled out at him.

"Don't just stand there!!! Go and get Swineheart!!!"

The Wolf Among Us: A Dark MoonWhere stories live. Discover now