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There was a dark grassy plain, a few trees scattered amongst the clearing. Strangely enough wind twisted and howled just in this clearing, a small dark wolf lay there miserable. The wind slowed and swirled around him, an invisible hand combing through his dark fur. He growled, but did little else. His body wouldn't cooperate. His throat seized up on him, and he knew it was the North Wind, it was always him.

Always his bastard of a father, ruining his life at every turn.

A voice a lot like the wolf's own echoed in his mind.

'It was a bear who did this...' the presence was suddenly beside him, a hand at the top of his head.

"Go away..." he hissed out, his lungs rattling in his chest and his heart continuing to beat irregularly.

"I can't do that."

"I hate you." he was suddenly made to lay into his father's lap, a soothing hand at his ribs. He knew his father was the only reason he was breathing right now, but he wouldn't say thanks to the Fable responsible for his mother's death.

"Quiet your thoughts, just focus on the air and wind around us." he listened. His yellow eyes blinking tiredly.

"Where are we?" the hand that had previously been unmoved was placed on his head just between his ears.

'Bigby...' A sharp jolt shot through his chest, enough to make him almost scream out in pain, but all that was heard from him were high pitched whines. He felt his father pull him closer, the howl of the wind growing stronger. He could barely make out that voice anymore, and when finally all there was was the howling of the wind. The throbbing ache dulled then completely stopped.

"You need to stay here for the moment son, you're under the influence of a very harmful drug."

"Are you...are you real?"

"Yes, you're residing in your mind at the moment. I'm here outside, I promise you."

He wanted to kill the guy, but he'd come to terms with the fact that he never would and he couldn't.

"I want to wake up." he said causing the wind to grow silent.


"I. Want. To. Wake. Up." he ground out.

The North Wind sighed.

"Very well."

A shadow appeared off in the distance like a dark mass of thick billowing smoke. Stretching to cover everything in his sight. He was beginning to panic, his breath quickening as the shadows stood outside the clearing, taking one tree at a time. The wind grew louder and louder as the shadows claimed all within his sight. Leaving him in complete darkness. He closed his eyes and his surroundings changed around him, the smell of grass and the outdoors replaced by the stale scents of his apartment.

"Bigby, can you hear us?"

That name again, it sent pain jolting through his body.

He sniffed experimentally at the air, there were four scents.

One that smelt of mint and pine with the subtle scent of freshly fallen snow. Definitely Snow White

The second was like drinking a thing of cleaning supplies, he assumed it was Dr. Swineheart.

Third was the smell of...pig...yes, he almost said prey, but the smell was too familiar, it was Colin.

The four and last had less of a scent and more this overwhelming presence now being masked somehow, but there was no mistaking it. It was The North Wind.

Bigby opened his eyes and what greeted him would have made any mundy or lesser Fable lose it.

Nothing, nothing at all. He closed his eyes with a huff.

A soft hand was on his face and he flinched away.


"I can't see," there was a sharp intake of breath, "I can't see anything at all."

The Wolf Among Us: A Dark MoonWhere stories live. Discover now