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Bigby and Red took a cab to Trip Trap. They didn't pay because the driver insisted that Bigby shouldn't have to.

"Wow, what did you do to that cab driver?"

"Nothing, he's just nice."

"Mm-hm, and I'm a basket of baked goods." Bigby grinned as they walked to the door.

"Really?" he licked his lips as a way of teasing her only for Red to sock him in the arm.

"Be serious!"

"I am, your the one who made the strange and delicious metaphor!"

"You'll never change." she said shaking her head in mock disappointment.

Bigby shook his head, his expression becoming serious as they walked in. Holly looked over and nodded at them. Grendel did the same, that same weird grin on his face.

"What can we do for you?" asked Holly genuinely curious for once.

"Have you seen Snow or Bluebeard recently?"

"Well, Snow did pop in earlier today. Haven't seen Bluebeard though..." she narrowed her eyes, "Is Snow in trouble?" Bigby gave a light smile.

"I don't know." Red watched him closely sensing he was close to raging out, "If I knew would I be-!" Red grabbed his hand and he turned sharply to look at her. She looked scared, uncomfortable, or even (if he dare say it) close to tears.

"Wolf..." the way she said it. It was desperate, like she was begging him. He was beginning to wonder if she'd seen him when he was under the influence of the Blood Moon stone or Dark Moon shard, whatever name the things went by. Had she seen him tear open his own chest...he could imagine that being pretty traumatic, so turning back to Holly he apologized and walked Red to one of the far tables.

"What's the matter Red? Only a few minutes ago we were joking around and now your like this..." he gestured to her and she looked up sadly.

"I saw you."

"You saw me what?"

"I saw you rip open your own chest Wolf, I saw that...but I saw your eyes...they were completely almost made me realize just how much I actually care about you...sappy I know." she laugh-sobbed.


"Those things are dangerous Wolf, if you fell under their spell what's to stop any other Fable?" she had a point. One that bother him. Three of the four had been found, but two of those four were unaccounted for.

"We'll figure it out." he said patting her hooded head. They sat there in silence for a moment when the door of the bathroom swung open loudly and Woody stepped out obviously smashed.


"Would you quit yelling ya fucking idiot!! Their right there!!" Gren ground out in irritation.

"Shud up yerself!"

Bigby closed his eyes taking a deep breath and counting up to ten before exhaling.

"Hi Woody." Red greeted quietly.

"So I hear your lookin' fir Snow?" he asked sounding less drunk than before.

"Yeah, have you seen her?"

"Yeah actually, I can show you where I saw her last." Bigby could feel danger ebbing its way towards him, but he nodded for Woody to take them. Though his instincts told him something wasn't right with his enemy turned 'friend'.

Bigby stood up along with Red as Woody made his way outside. Red was about to follow Woody when Bigby stopped her.


"Stay here...something doesn't smell right."

"Then shouldn't I go as back up?"

"Red...please just stay here, if something happens I can't fight and protect you at the same time..." she frowned before hugging him.

"Don't think I'm not mad at you." she grumbled into his chest, "I'm super mad, I'm not a kid! I just look like one...I'm as good as any of those other girly wusses." he smiled before flicking her hood off her head.

"I'll be back, you can stay here with a few of those 'wusses' till then." she grumbled some more when Bigby ruffled her hair before following after Woody.

"Be careful Wolf."

"I'll try."


Bigby entered the building Woody had indicated, the Woodsman was behind him and breathing loudly.

"Your being particularly loud and breathy today..."

"It's pretty dark in here."


"Nope." there was the sound of a weapon being drawn and Bigby couldn't say he hadn't seen it coming. There was a whoosh and Bigby caught the axe by the handle before it could split his head in two.

"Woody! What the hell are you doing?" he looked into the other Fable's eyes to see Woody's eyes were glowing red and he was staring blankly at nothing, "WOODY!!"

"He can't hear you Wolf, he's not home right now." was whispered into his ear before he felt the stab of a silver blade as it pierced his stomach and darkness overcame him.


Wanted to make up for the really short chapter...but I sort of failed by giving you all a cliffhanger XD it's like I can't help myself.

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