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A young body lay out in a forest. His hair scattered about his face and the area around his head. He was breathing harshly as if hurt or having a nightmare. He thrashed about, his light brown hair moving around as he did.

North followed his love through the forest. She grabbed his hand and walking into a clearing wherein lie a boy. He could tell by how the wind moved around him protectively just who this boy was. He stared, stuck where he stood now by shock. He swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat. He knew what he was seeing and could feel the connection he'd always had with his youngest son. Winter squeezed his hand.

"It's him...it's Bigby." she said reassuringly.

"I know..."

"Then go to him." She gave North a slight push to get him moving. He approached, the wind swirling around his suddenly young son was strong and uncontrolled. North being who he is was able to calm it and take the last several steps to get to Bigby.
He knelt there in the grass beside his son and simply looked at him; something he thought he'd never be able to do again. He put his hand over Bigby's heart, feeling the strong steady beat. What would Bigby remember? Would he still hate his father? These questions swirled around in North's head.

"Son?" Bigby squeezed his eyes tight before blinking several times against the light shining down overhead.

"Dad? Is that you? I thought you left us?" he moved Bigby's hair out of his face.

"I did..." he said guilty, "But I'm back now son. What do you remember?"

"I was...I was following a girl in a red riding hood...I was going to eat her and her grandma...I think? I'm just really hungry." the boy answered sheepishly.

"Bigby!?" his mother yelled, "What did I tell you about attacking people? You go after animals not people." Bigby stared shocked.

"Your supposed to be dead." Bigby said shocked.

The couple brought the young Bigby back to the Woodlands. Cutting the line at the office. Jack glared at them.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" North turned to say something, but suddenly Bigby was there.

"Watch your mouth! That's the North Wind your talking to loser and to add to it my father!" Winter pulled Bigby back taking him inside the office while North stared at Jack extremely unamused.

"Wait...he just called you-"


"And your his-"


"Then that means-"

"That was Bigby."

North went into the office to see Red hugging his very confused son.

"Are girls always this weird? Shouldn't you be mad? I attacked you." Red pulled back and smiled at him.

"With you Wolf no matter what I can never stay mad for too long."

"Hey! Where's that stupid Woodsman?"

"Why?" Red asked upon releasing him, "Your not still mad about him for the stones and the river are you?"

"Of course I am!! That was just a few days ago!"

Everyone shared a look, Snow walking over to kneel before Bigby.

"This might sound strange Bigby-"

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?"

"It's your name." Red answered, "as in Big Bad Wolf." he hummed.

"Anyway Bigby, what you think was only days ago was actually centuries. We're in the Mundane world now, in a place known as New York."


"Yeah. You helped get a lot of us here where we all escaped from The Adversary. Most of us that already don't look human taking on a human form...like you now." Bigby looked down as if only just realizing this.

"Huh...and what do I do here?"

"You were the Sheriff here in FableTown."

"How? Everyone is scared of me?"

"How?" Snow asked before moving some of his hair behind his ear and smiling at the fact that though he may not remember right now he was alive. Snow know this couldn't be permanent, and she was more than happy to have a kid Bigby than no Bigby at all.
He watch her, waiting for the answer she would give him.

"You really want to know?" she teased lightly.


"Your not as bad as everyone says you are."

Kidby....Just to throw it out there, I'm making a second book XD

The Wolf Among Us: A Dark MoonWhere stories live. Discover now