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When Bigby woke up he couldn't move at all. That didn't really bother him because the whispers were gone and he felt in control again. The thing that did bother him though was that there was nothing but complete darkness. He moved his head to look around and luckily he could move his head and do just that. Turning he saw a white light far off in the distance. As it drew closer he realized it was a woman with long flowing white hair and glowing yellow eyes.

"Son...your losing control..." a dream, it had to be a dream if this woman was his mother.


"Get control of yourself." was his body doing something he wasn't aware of?

"Where am I? What's happening?"

"In your hand you hold a Blood Moon stone. It can make any 'tamed' beast lose its mind."

"Why the hell did PJ hand that to me?"

"Because you must master your rage if you are to face one of the Dark Moons..."

"Why? What is a Dark Moon?"

"It is a...malevolent spirit, a minion of the Adversary."

"No way...and it's here now?"

"No my son, not as of yet, but very soon. The stones, like the one you hold now are the key. You must guard this with your very existence, for if it falls into the hands of evil all will be lost." she drew closer, and stared deeply into her son's eyes, a sweet smile turning her lips.

"How many are there? Do you know?"

"Your father will know." she placed her hands at his shoulders, "Breathe with me, if the mind is calmed the body will follow." she inhaled deeply, Bigby following her example then as she exhaled he did as well, after a while of this, he felt calmer than he had in a very long time.

"Mother..." she shushed him lightly.

"You'll feel strange for a moment and right away you'll feel as if your drowning under your baser instincts, don't give are more than what they say you are, and you yearn to do good. If no one else has said it, just know you've made your mother proud." Bigby smiled his heart aching in a painful, but not altogether unpleasant feeling.

"Thank you mother..." she nodded just as he closed his eyes and was instantly hit by what she had describe. He could hear himself growling and as his vision cleared he saw another wolf bearing down at him. The scent was unmistakable, it was his father, the North Wind. Neither had taken on a true form thankfully, but Bigby was having a very hard time reigning in control. His body shook violently until he was back to a human form, North changing back as well.

"Bigby!! Son, are you alright?" Bigby chuckled his chest rattling as he wheezed in pain.

"It was amazing...I saw her, I saw beautiful..." the stone dropped from his hand and his eyes began to close, Bigby saw the fearful look in North's eyes.

"Bigby, don't close your eyes son, your hurt."

"Fables don't die that..." he coughed harshly and North wrapped an arm around his back and lifted him into a sitting position, pain sparked to life in his chest. Bigby's eyes wandered to the source of pain, what he saw was bizarre, he'd never really seen his ribs before, and fear suddenly gripped him. It was bad.

"Did this..." Bigby moved a hand towards his gaping wound, but was stopped by his father.

"I didn't do this son, you did..."



Long awaited chapter 13 XD

Hopefully not too many typos if any, I try to edit myself after I have Alexanderkn17 read it, he's my beta reader.

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